Steve Bannon on a potential Trump second term: “There's no middle ground” or “compromise”
Bannon: “It's either us or them, where one side's going to win and one side's going to lose. There’s no compromise. We cannot compromise.”
From the December 7, 2023, edition of Real America's Voice's War Room
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Please always remember, always and everywhere, that the reason that we have the strength, the reason that the polling's so bad, the reason that they're in freak-out mode, the reason that, you know, they're running around with Sean Hannity's clip that, oh, he wants to be a dictator for a day, the reason they're in full and total meltdown, and when Axios puts out, and who knows?
That list may never come true, but it's a type of person that fully understands President Trump's policies, that what made the first term so successful, understands President Trump's resolve and direction, and more importantly, understands, this is why I say the steal in 2020 was also as providential as the victory in 2016. Why? They finally flipped over all their cards.
We understand exactly who they are, exactly what they want to do. And so there's no more kind of, there's no middle ground. It's either us or them, where one side's going to win and one side's going to lose. There’s no compromise. We cannot compromise.
And we're sitting here with Mike Johnson, and you're going to just give the NDAA, it's got all this woke stuff in there. Brother, I know you have a biblical worldview, but maybe it's not in sharp enough focus.
And here, you know, we're equal opportunity browbeaters. Just because you got a R next to your name doesn't mean anything to us. You’re either with us or you're against us.