Right-wing Americano Radio spreads conspiracy theories about globalist plot to Latino audiences
Radio hosts claim the U.N. is acting as a “New World Government” with its plan of action Agenda 2030, which they describe as “a totalitarianism that is going to tell us what we can or cannot eat”
Written by Leo Fernandez, Janos Balazs & Monica Rodriguez
Americano Media, a conservative Spanish-language radio and television network based in Florida, is hosting radio shows on SiriusXM that spread conspiracy theories about the United Nations plan of action for its Agenda 2030, claiming that the U.N. has developed a globalist plot to create a “new world government,” and that it is directing the actions of national politicians.
In 1992, the United Nations held a summit on environment and development issues in Rio de Janeiro, producing a plan of action titled Agenda 21. In 2000, U.N. member states signed the United Nations Millennium Declaration, also known as the the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in which signatory world leaders pledged “ to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women.” Eventually the MDGs were superseded by the Sustainable Development Goals, which became known as the 2030 Agenda.
The agenda is a non-binding sustainability resolution, but it has become a pincushion for conspiracy theorists and a talking point for far-right figures in Spanish-language media and politics. In particular, Vox — not the outlet but a far-right Spanish nationalist party — attacks Agenda 2030 by falsely claiming it is a globalist plot to subvert traditional family values and the sovereignty of nations, and to “indoctrinate” children, a common refrain in right-wing Spanish media.
Americano Media has recently expanded from a radio-only operation to add streaming programming “across all major platforms including Apple, Android, SiriusXM and Roku,” saying that it is targeting “more than 500 million Spanish speakers.” Its hosts spread a variety of right-wing misinformation including COVID-19 conspiracies, denying climate change is a result of human action, and claiming that liberal donors funded pharmaceutical companies with dark money. All narratives are geared to erode its listeners’ trust in institutions and spread by well-known Florida radio hosts that were recruited by Americano media.
Radio hosts like Freddy Silva of Entre Líneas, Dania Alexandrino of Perspectiva USA, and Lucia Navarro of Actualidad Noticiosa are among the most prominent figures in right-wing Spanish-language media propagating the 2030 agenda conspiracy theories.
Below are examples from Americano Media broadcasts that use Agenda 2030 conspiracy theories to bolster right-wing talking points.
Host Freddy Silva claims the U.N. aims to create a “new world government”
Freddy Silva, host of Entre Líneas, made several statements claiming that globalists in the U.N., who are supposedly directing world leaders, are socialists and totalitarians. This claim serves as a dog whistle for far-right conspiracy theories like the New World Order, which is popular with anti-government Patriot groups and depicts U.N. treatises as building blocks for a totalitarian socialist one world government.
- On his show Entre Líneas, host Freddy Silva claimed that the globalist agenda aims to make people “dependent on both their products and their system.” [Entre Líneas, 7/21/22, translated from Spanish]
- Original Spanish: “Esto parte más de una ideología y por supuesto también de una agenda globalista, que lo que quiere es tener gente dependiente y que lo que necesita para ello es personas que no voy a decir que no piensen, pero que por lo menos sean dependientes tanto de sus productos como de su sistema.”
- Silva further claimed that the US is about to embark on a socialist project designed to conceal the 2030 Agenda from the public. He claimed that at the heart of it all is “a totalitarianism that is going to tell us what we can or cannot eat, but those who impose it, who are generally the meta-capitalists, will not be deprived of the things that we will be deprived of.” [Entre Líneas, 7/21/22, translated from Spanish]
- Original Spanish: “Estas situaciones incluso les parece muy lejanas, muy ajenas, hablar de que exista una agenda ecologista, una agenda 2030…lo que viene realmente es una dictadura, un totalitarismo que nos va a venir a decir que cosa podemos o no podemos comer y sin embargo quienes lo imponen, que generalmente son los meta capitalistas, entonces ellos no se van a privar de ninguna de las cosas que nos van a decir a nosotros que nos privemos.”
- Silva has also said that the U.N. is acting as a “new world government, as we see with this Agenda 2030.” He claimed that it is “going to tell us what to do from above, without even knowing if we have the capacity to do it [Agenda 2030] and without covering the costs.” [Entre Líneas, 6/3/22, translated from Spanish]
- Original Spanish: “Y aquí hay un problema, como lo decía tanto de soberanía, porque también lo que proponen las Naciones Unidas, o por lo menos este — esta nueva gobernanza mundial, como se lo está viendo con la Agenda 2030, pues entonces van a decirnos desde arriba lo que nosotros tenemos que hacer sin siquiera saber si tenemos la capacidad para hacerlo o sin cubrir los gastos.”
Americano Radio claims that politicians are servants of a globalist agenda
Americano Media’s radio shows have framed politicians as servants of a globalist agenda rather than their constituencies. By connecting this claim to Agenda 2030, Americano’s hosts can politicize and attack the U.N.’s goals, which include environmental sustainability measures, ending poverty, and promoting gender equality.
- Silva discussed the U.N. and Agenda 2030, as well as the World Economic Forum, which he claimed has a detailed plan that is “internationalist globalist” in ideology. He also discussed Agenda 2050, which he falsely describes as a plan for China to become “the new leaders of the world.” Silva said, “sadly, there are politicians within our nation that are critical to those internationalist agendas, which most people do not know about. There are insiders from both the Democrats and the Republicans, believe it or not.” [Entre Líneas, 7/6/22, translated from Spanish]
- Original Spanish: “Si usted lee las ocho predicciones del Foro Económico Mundial, usted se va a dar cuenta de que existe un plan globalista internacionalista para poder llevar adelante esto. Y adicionalmente a la Agenda 2030, que también está acompañada desde la ONU, acompañada por el Foro Económico Mundial. Hay otra agenda que es la Agenda 2050, que la está llevando adelante China y que sus planes es llegar a ser todo lo que hoy es Estados Unidos. Que ellos sean los nuevos líderes del mundo. Y lamentablemente, dentro de nuestra nación hay políticos que son funcionales a esas agendas internacionales y mucha gente ni siquiera lo sabe. Hay infiltrados tanto de los demócratas como los republicanos, aunque usted no lo crea.”
- On her show Actualidad Noticiosa, host Lucia Navarro argued that both the Democrats and the Republicans have “puppets that obey what the dynasties and the big dinosaurs like Nancy Pelosi tell them.” She also claimed that “the only thing they are doing is trying to sell the people an argument that we’ve talked about before, this 2030 agenda which will give you everything, the new world order, don’t have kids, welcome the 50 genders they created… to not carry guns – because when people don’t carry guns, as we have said, they’re easier to control.” [Actualidad Noticiosa, 7/26/22, translated from Spanish]
- Original Spanish: “Pero yo lo que veo en el Partido Demócrata e igual también en el Republicano…es que faltan líderes. Hay monigotes que siguen lo que les dicen las dinastías y los grandes dinosaurios, como Nancy Pelosi…Lo único que están haciendo es tratar de venderle a la gente un discurso que lo hemos hablado en otras ocasiones, no sobre esta agenda del 2030 en donde te regalo todo, el nuevo orden mundial, no tengas hijos, este aquí bienvenido los 50 géneros que han creado…no portes armas, porque cuando la gente no porta armas, dicho sea de paso, es más fácil controlarla.”
Host of Perspectiva USA claims the 2030 agenda is driving issues like immigration, gas prices, and climate action
Dania Alexandrino, host of Perspectiva USA, spread conspiratorial narratives about Agenda 2030 to connect disparate issues and claim they are being used to pressure nations to adhere to Agenda 2030’s sustainable development goals.
- On her show Perspectiva USA, host Dania Alexandrino claimed that President Joe Biden declaring renewable energy a national security issue is “laughable” and “shows a lack of respect” for voters. She said it is ridiculous to call renewable energy a national security issue when 50 people “on the terrorist watchlist…crossed the border in the last year.” Alexandrino then went on to claim, “This is something that this gentleman does not want to tell you nor does he want to acknowledge, because for him it is more important to promote Agenda 2030.” [Perspectiva USA, 6/17/22, translated from Spanish]
- Original Spanish: “Que Joe Biden venga a decir que el cambio a energías renovables es un asunto de seguridad nacional, es risible. Es una falta de respeto a tu sufrimiento como ciudadano americano…Es una falta de respeto que Joe Biden esté hablando de Seguridad Nacional, cuando, señores, en el último año han entrado por nuestra frontera sur 50 personas que estaban en la lista — de saben que? — de terroristas. .. Esta es la realidad. Esto es algo que este señor no te quiere decir ni quiere reconocer, porque para él es más importante impulsar la Agenda 2030.”
- Alexandrino also claimed on her show that there are “breaking records of illegals crossing both because of President Biden’s incompetence” and his “implementation of Agenda 2030.” Alexandrino added that “both the issue of gas prices and the issue of illegal immigration... is something deliberate,” part of the same globalist agenda. [Perspectiva USA, 7/18/22, translated from Spanish]
- Original Spanish: “Continuamos, señores, rompiendo récords de cruces ilegales debido a la incompetencia de Joe Biden…En otras palabras, esto es con toda la intención, y usted lo sabe porque yo se lo he dicho. Tanto el tema de la gasolina, como el tema de la inmigración ilegal yo le dije a ustedes que es algo deliberado, intencional. En donde el país está enfrentándose a un caos causado con toda la intención…de implementar su agenda 2030 y el Nuevo Orden Liberal.”
The proliferation of this outlandish conspiracy theory by Americano Media highlights the network’s disreputable far-right and conspiratorial skew as well as a negligent relationship with hosts who are permitted to peddle misinformation. Americano Media’s growth should also raise alarms as the network expands into streaming.