Sean Hannity tells audience to get a second job instead of accepting government assistance
Hannity: “How much freedom did you give up in the name of false security?”
Sean Hannity tells audience to get a second job instead of accepting government assistance

From the May 27, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Socialism will always end this way -- with unfulfilled promises, lofty promises. You think it's a great thing: “I don't have to worry about these things anymore. Thank goodness. All right, I don't have to worry about getting a college fund for my kids. I don't have to worry about my health care. I even have government-guaranteed retirement. I'm going have daycare if I have kids," blah, blah, blah.
Sounds great. They'll never pull it off because they can't afford it. Socialism's great until you run out of other people's money.
And then after the promises are unfulfilled, then the next problem occurs, and that is -- it results in dependency and more poverty. And the last thing that you got to calculate - depending on what manifestation this fully takes on in the end: How much freedom did you give up in the name of false security created by people that when you look deep inside, didn't really want to promise anything. They wanted to make you dependent on them so they can stay in power. It's that simple. That's what is -- that's the game that they play. It sounds appealing.
Here's my unsolicited advice to all of you, my wonderful radio family. Can't do this show without you.
Don't rely on the government for anything. Rely on yourself. Go out, work hard. Work two jobs, like my parents did. Save as much as you can so you can make choices down the road.