Sean Hannity says ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment is an attempt “to sabotage Donald Trump on the way in”
Sean Hannity says ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment is an attempt “to sabotage Donald Trump on the way in”

From the January 17, 2025, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): "The amendment would guarantee equality for women, improving pay equality, strengthening domestic violence, and have sexual harassment protections," etcetera, etcetera. This is all part of him trying to sabotage Donald Trump on the way in.
Now, the amendment had been ratified by 38 states, but it didn't happen within the deadline that was set by Congress. And they note that several of the 38 states have since moved to withdraw their ratifications. Now, the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced in Congress in 1923. And in 1971, the amendment was introduced in every session of Congress for decades. And in '72, following the House's lead, the Senate approved the amendment 84 to 8.