Sean Hannity says Democrats will “demagogue” the Alabama embryo ruling that imperils IVF

Sean Hannity says Democrats will “demagogue” the Alabama embryo ruling that imperils IVF

Sean Hannity in front of a radio waveform image
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Citation From the February 26, 2024, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): I did hear back from Gavin Newsom. I was on Fox & Friends on Saturday because we did our show from South Carolina on Friday night, and they asked if I'd stay over and do the show. And I did it with, you know, the morning crew, a great group of people.

But then he actually goes -- apparently, he goes on fake Jake Tapper on fake news CNN. And he goes on to say, you know, "They invoke a wrath of a holy God in their decision." He's talking about the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that frozen embryos are children. I couldn't disagree any more with this analysis. Donald Trump came out with a very, very powerful statement supporting in vitro fertilization.


Gavin Newsom's take on it was, well, he claims "Republicans believe rapists have more rights than the women they impregnate." Really, Gavin? Now I said on-air, I looked right into the camera. I said, Gavin, these comments are repulsive because the -- a Supreme Court decision in Alabama does not reflect the views of most conservatives and most Republicans.

But, of course, Democrats, desperate because they can't run on their record, they want to demagogue any and everything in the lead up to the 2024 presidential race.