Sean Hannity: “Most Americans don’t want a woke military with electric vehicles”

Sean Hannity: “Most Americans don’t want a woke military with electric vehicles”

sean hannity from the shoulders up with soundwaves in the background
Audio file

Citation From the May 17, 2023, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): It's been a theme throughout our show today: it’s called common sense. It is not that common. We know how to secure our border. We know how to be energy independent. We know how to keep people safe and secure in their towns and their cities. They're called policemen and policewomen. We know what the fundamentals are in education: reading, writing, math, science, history and computers, not a age-inappropriate agenda on sex-ed and and gender identity. That would be for people called parents. They actually still exist, a mommy and a daddy that actually wanna instill values that align with their personal values.

Most Americans don't want a woke military with electric vehicles. They want the biggest baddest kickass military on the face of the earth and they see China and Russia and Iran aligning, and most common sense Americans are thinking, "We better we better step up our game here because they're showing a lot of aggression around the world."