Sean Hannity defends price gouging
Sean Hannity defends price gouging

From the August 15, 2024, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): You know, if you look at, you know, just economics or Bidenomics and Harrisnomics, it's a disaster.
You know, I will tell you this now, Kamala Harris has a new plan. She's going to call for a federal ban tomorrow, we keep reading, on price gouging. She said, I'm going after big corporations.
Okay. Well, what does that mean? How do we deal with that? Well, government imposed price controls, if that's what she's talking about, well, that's going to end up -- Mike Lee actually had a post on X about it. Scarcity and a vicious cycle of poverty and a cycle of dependency on government. So naturally, Kamala Harris would love that.
Well, here's the other thing that might happen. If they're going to empower and weaponize the Justice Department to go after small business, big business, and to go after manufacturers, what do you think these manufacturers are going to do? They're going to have to lawyer up. And that means they're not going to hire a local yokel attorney that costs, you know, $100 an hour. They're going to go to the big law firms if they're a big manufacturer. Let's say they go after Kellogg's, for crying out loud. 'Oh, cereal's too expensive.' It's -- they they price supply and demand crisscrossing dictates the price. That's basic economics 101.