Now he tells us: Hannity calls Bush tax cuts “madness”

On his Fox News show last night, Hannity did something unusual. The usually reliable GOP talking points machine actually called the Bush tax cuts “madness.”

Speaking with Rep. Steve King about the estate tax, Hannity made the following complaint:

HANNITY: If you died last year it was 45 percent, if you die this year it's zero percent, if you die next year, it could be 55 percent: Only Washington could think of this madness.

That's so true. Only in Washington could such a crazy plan be hatched. Only in the Bush White House, to be specific. Bush, and a Republican led Congress chose to have the Bush tax cuts “sunset” on the last day of 2010, largely because Republicans neglected to propose any way to pay for the hugely expensive cuts, and letting them expire after nine years mitigated the enormous price-tag that accompanied these cuts (because price estimates are calculated over a 10-year period).

Therefore, it was Bush and the Republicans who created the “madness.” Someone should probably tell Hannity he agrees with Obama about the Bush tax cuts. But do it gently--you wouldn't want him to faint.