Mike Gallagher pronounced Obamas “socialists,” apparently because daughters get presents from Santa, not them

On Hannity & Colmes, Mike Gallagher falsely asserted that Sen. Barack Obama and his wife do not give Christmas and birthday presents to their daughters, saying it's “proof positive that this is a socialist family.” Gallagher further claimed that as a result of what he falsely asserted was the Obamas' refusal to give their daughters birthday and Christmas presents, the Obamas' children “are going to have a lifetime of therapy” and are “going to wind up on a bell tower someday if we don't send them presents.”

On the July 29 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, radio host Mike Gallagher falsely asserted that Sen. Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, do not give Christmas and birthday presents to their daughters, and as a result of that, the Obamas' children “are going to have a lifetime of therapy” and are “going to wind up on a bell tower someday if we don't send them presents.”

In his discussion with co-host Sean Hannity, Gallagher referred to a July 23 interview in People magazine with the Obamas, saying, “I mean, Sean, did you notice in the big cover story in People magazine this week? It was revealed that the Obamas don't believe in giving their children Christmas presents or birthday gifts,” adding, "[W]e've been looking for proof that they're socialists. There it is. There's proof positive this is a socialist family. These children are going to have a lifetime of therapy to have to contend with." Later, Gallagher asserted: “I'm worried about these kids not getting Christmas and birthday presents,” adding, "[T]hey're going to wind up on a bell tower someday if we don't send them presents."

Michelle Obama reportedly told People that she and her husband do not give their daughters, Malia and Sasha, birthday presents “because we spend hundreds of dollars on a birthday party and movie tickets and pizza and popcorn.” According to People, she also said, referring to her daughters, “They get so much stuff that it just becomes numbing. Malia believes there is still a Santa Claus even though she's a little wary because some of her friends are non-believers. But Malia says, 'Ma, I know there is a Santa because there's no way you'd buy me all that stuff.' ” From the interview:

People Magazine: Someone told me today that you don't do birthday presents.

Michelle: No, because we spend hundreds of dollars on a birthday party and movie tickets and pizza and popcorn ...

Barack: That sleepover is enough. We want to teach some limits to them. And their friends bring over presents.

Michelle: They get so much stuff that it just becomes numbing. Malia believes there is still a Santa Claus even though she's a little wary because some of her friends are non-believers. But Malia says, “Ma, I know there is a Santa because there's no way you'd buy me all that stuff.” [Laughing]

From the July 29 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes:

HANNITY: So how did Senator Barack Obama's oversea trip resonate with voters? A brand-new USA Today/Gallup poll shows that only Democrats were impressed, with 53 percent calling the trip positive. Republicans overwhelmingly reject -- overwhelmingly rejected the trip, while 41 percent of independents held no opinion at all. The poll also reveals voters are twice as likely to classify media coverage of Obama as unfairly positive rather than unfairly negative, and in the case of McCain, the opposite is the truth, with many more seeing coverage of him as negative.

Joining us now, nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mike Gallagher, former [House Minority Leader Dick] Gephardt [D-MO] campaign manager Steve Elmendorf, and Washington Times columnist Tony Blankley.

Mike, you and I talk about this often on the radio. No big surprises here, especially in light of him, you know, abandoning the troop visit because the cameras weren't around -- allowed and the campaign wasn't allowed. I think this is a net negative for him in the end. Your thoughts?

GALLAGHER: Oh, it has to be. I mean, it's -- it's stunning that he's not -- doesn't have a commanding lead right now in the polls. But even with the fawning media coverage, the kernels of truth slip out. I mean, Sean, did you notice in the big cover story in People magazine this week, it was revealed that the Obamas don't believe in giving their children Christmas presents or birthday gifts?


GALLAGHER: Now -- we've been looking for proof that they're socialists. There it is. There's proof positive that this is a socialist family. These children are going to have a lifetime of therapy to have to contend with. They don't give them -- they don't give them Christmas or birthday presents? You've got to be kidding me.


GALLAGHER: I'm telling you, I'm -- I'm worried about these kids not getting Christmas and birthday presents.

HANNITY: I'm with you, Gallagher.

GALLAGHER: I mean they're going to wind up -- Sean, they're going to wind up on a bell tower someday if we don't send them presents.

SUSAN ESTRICH (Fox News contributor): Let's collect, Sean.

HANNITY: Well I -- I'll tell you what. I will mail gifts if they'll accept them from me.

GALLAGHER: Good. I think we should do that.

HANNITY: But after all, Barack Obama's mad at me. And so -- you know, by the way, my invitation remains for Senator Obama: Come on the show.