Juan Williams correctly brands George Allen a hypocrite on reconciliation

From the August 19 edition of Fox News' Hannity:

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Contrary to his protestations that “judges are different than legislation,” as a U.S. senator, Allen:

  • Voted in favor of a 2001 amendment to the fiscal year 2002 budget resolution that allowed for the consideration of Bush's 2001 tax cuts -- the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 -- through the reconciliation process.
  • Subsequently voted for the 2001 tax cut bill itself.
  • In 2003, voted for the Senate version of the fiscal 2004 budget resolution that called for additional tax cuts to be considered under reconciliation.
  • Voted for the final version of the 2004 budget resolution.
  • Voted against an amendment to the Senate version of the budget resolution, proposed by Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), that would have stripped reconciliation instructions from the 2004 resolution.
  • Voted for the 2003 tax cut bill passed under reconciliation.
  • In 2005, voted for the final version of the fiscal 2006 budget resolution, which also called for tax cuts through reconciliation.
  • Subsequently voted for the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 itself.