Hannity gives advice to people “living paycheck to paycheck”: “You got to find ways that you work extra hard”
Sean Hannity: “Survival can be an everyday stress in life”
Hannity gives advice to people “living paycheck to paycheck”: “You got to find ways that you work extra hard”

From the August 9, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Nothing is free. What is the false promise of socialism? That every -- that every fear you have, everything in life that's been -- the normal stresses of life, not the -- and look, survival can be an everyday stress in life. It can be, I've been there living paycheck to paycheck. It's not the greatest feeling, but you can survive it if you're willing to work hard. And then if you -- you know, then you got to find ways that you work extra hard and put some money away, and then the more money you're able to accumulate, that becomes freedom for you, so then you can make other decisions, and maybe follow other dreams that you have down the line in the pipeline.