HANNITY: I only got time for a short segment. I want to get this in. This is important, because, you know, Bill Clinton said in the campaign, during the nominating process, that Obama played the race card against him and that he planned to play the race card against him.
Now, you know, Greta [Van Susteren, Fox News host] has an interview coming up after us here on Hannity & Colmes. Now, the McCain campaign came out with an ad. Jim Johnson and Frank Raines are two guys that worked at Fannie Mae, the heart of this entire --
BERNARD GOLDBERG [Fox News contributor]: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right.
HANNITY: -- you know, issue going on Wall Street. This guy, Raines, in six years, made $90 million. And because the campaign of McCain brought up the fact that he's a chief economic adviser, some are saying, “Well, that's not fair,” that's -- Dukakis is the one that brought up that that's, you know, like Willie Horton.
GOLDBERG: Dukakis -- Dukakis said it was like Willie Horton. And you know what? Liberals see the Willie Horton ad, and they see a black guy. Conservatives see the Willie Horton ad, and they see a criminal.
In this particular case, Raines was one of the guys that ran the company into the ground. Was it Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac?
HANNITY: It was Fannie Mae, and it was $90 million that he made.
GOLDBERG: Yeah, he ran --
GOLDBERG: He ran it into the ground, so to do an ad and show a black man, and to call that a Willie Horton thing -- this is what I'm talking about. Race is way too sensitive to fool around with it like this.