Geraldo Rivera: Donald Trump “is the true civil rights leader” in the 2020 race

Geraldo Rivera: Donald Trump “is the true civil rights leader” in the 2020 race

Geraldo Rivera: Donald Trump “is the true civil rights leader” in the 2020 race
Audio file

Citation From the February 11, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio's The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): [Bloomberg] said “police stop white people too much and minorities too little” but he said he put all the cops in minority neighborhoods. Now if Donald Trump said that, Geraldo, game over, yes or no?

GERALDO RIVERA: Well, I agree with Pastor Scott that President Trump has now taken a brilliant turn, in a way that with full disclosure has embraced the African American and Latino communities, riding the wave of this employment boom and the fact that minority unemployment is at historic lows. Donald Trump is making an argument that resonates, that he is the true civil rights leader, not Bloomberg.