Dick Morris' take on the VP debate: “The loser tonight in this debate was Hillary Clinton”

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On the October 2 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, following the vice presidential debate between Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden, Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist Dick Morris stated: “The loser tonight in this debate was [Sen.] Hillary Clinton because there's a new woman out there who is going to be number one in this country,” referring to Palin. Co-host Alan Colmes replied, “Well, she'd have to get elected first.” Morris then said: “She already has been, with no assistance from her husband.” Colmes responded in part: “You never miss a chance to take a slap at the Clintons. They're not in this race.”

From the October 2 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes:

SEAN HANNITY (co-host): But I've got to tell you, what -- on every issue, on Iran, on Iraq, on energy, on the economy, on tax cuts -- what I thought she did very effectively that maybe Senator McCain didn't do in the last debate, she was reminding America about the record and the statements of Senator Obama. Did you think that was effective, Dick?

MORRIS: I thought it was, but I thought more effective was she did a much better job than John McCain ever has in explaining McCain's positions, when she talked about the “all of the above” option on energy. I've never heard McCain explain it that articulately. It was well done.

When I heard her speak about the anti -- the greed on Wall Street and that stuff, and how it infects Washington, I thought that was just terrific. And when she said, at one point, in that debate, “I just don't understand how Washington works. How can you guys vote against something, when in fact you are in fact -- when you're claiming you're voting against something when in fact you're voting for it” -- over the Iraq war resolution. It was just a brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

COLMES: The only problem is there that some of the things she said --

MORRIS: The loser tonight in this debate was Hillary Clinton because there's a new woman out there who is going to be number one in this country.

COLMES: Well, she'd have to get elected first, and -- but anyway, Dick, some of the things she said about McCain were just --

MORRIS: She already has been, with no assistance from her husband.

COLMES: Some of the things she said were just were not true. You never miss a chance to take a slap at the Clintons. They're not in this race.