Buchanan: “America [is] committing suicide” while “Asian, African, and Latin American children come to inherit the estate”

MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan appeared on the November 26 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes to discuss his new book, Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology, And Greed Are Tearing America Apart (Thomas Dunne Books, November 2007), in which he writes that America is “on a path to national suicide” and later asks: “How is America committing suicide?” answering: “Every way a nation can.” He proceeds to claim that "[t]he American majority is not reproducing itself. ... Forty-five million of its young have been destroyed in the womb since Roe v. Wade, as Asian, African, and Latin American children come to inherit the estate the lost generation of American children never got to see." On Hannity & Colmes, Buchanan asserted: “You've got a wholesale invasion, the greatest invasion in human history, coming across your southern border, changing the composition and character of your country. You've got the melting pot that once welded us all together, which has broken down.” Co-host Sean Hannity went on to ask him: “Do you really believe that America, the country we all love as we know it, is in jeopardy of existing?” Buchanan responded: “I think America may exist, but I'll tell you this: I do believe we're going to lose the American Southwest. I think it is almost inevitable.” He continued: “If we do not put a fence on that border ...you're going to have 100 million Hispanics in the country, most of them new immigrants from Mexico, which believes that belongs to them. What's going to happen to us, Sean, in my judgment, is what is happening right now: We are Balkanizing. We are dividing and separating from one another politically, morally -- on issues like abortion or Terri Schiavo -- racially and ethnically when you get Jena and then you get Don Imus, and all of these things ripping us apart. All the things that used to pull us together and hold us together no longer do.”

From the book:

Truly, America faces an existential crisis. Are the racial, political, social, and cultural forces pulling us apart overwhelming the forces holding us together?

It is the belief of the author and premise of this book that America is indeed coming apart, decomposing, and that the likelihood of her survival as one nation through midcentury is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course. For we are on a path to national suicide.


How is America committing suicide? Every way a nation can.

The American majority is not reproducing itself. Its birthrate has been below replacement level for decades. Forty-five million of its young have been destroyed in the womb since Roe v. Wade, as Asian, African, and Latin American children come to inherit the estate the lost generation of American children never got to see."

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, from 2005 to 2006, our minority population rose 2.4 million to exceed 100 million. Hispanics, 1 percent of the U.S. population in 1950, are now 14.4 percent. Since 2000, their numbers have soured 25 percent to 45 million. The U.S. Asian population grew by 24 percent since 2000, as the number of white kids of school age fell 4 percent. Half the children five and younger today are minority children. (Pages 7-8)

Buchanan also writes that “the greatest cohort of immigrants here today, legal and illegal, is from Mexico” and states that, "[b]y 2050, more than 100 million Hispanics will be in the United States, concentrated in a Southwest that borders on Mexico." From the book:

Almost as many African-American males are in jail or prison as are in colleges or universities. Half of all African-American and Hispanic students drop out of high school. The other half graduates with the math and reading skills of seventh-, eighth- and ninth-graders. Yet by 2050 the number of African-Americans and Hispanics will have almost doubled from today's 85 million, to 160 million. The future seems more ominous than it did in the hopeful days of civil rights. For these burgeoning scores of millions will not long accept second-class accommodations in the affluent society, where they are the emerging majority. The long hot summers of yesterday may be returning.

As critical, the greatest cohort of immigrants here today, legal and illegal, is from Mexico. One in five Mexicans is already here. But unlike the immigrants of old, Mexicans bear an ancient grudge against us as the country that robbed Mexico of half her land when both nations were young. By one survey, 72 percent of Mexican look on Americans as “racists.”8 By another, 58 percent of Mexicans believe the American Southwest belongs to them.9

At the Guadalajara soccer game where Mexico played the United States for the right to compete in the 2004 Olympics, each Mexican score was greeted with chants of “Osama! Osama!”10 During the Miss World contest in Mexico City in 2007, Miss USA's every appearance was hooted and jeered.

By 2050, more than 100 million Hispanics will be in the United States, concentrated in a Southwest that borders on Mexico. As the Serbs are losing Kosovo, so we may have lost the Southwest. (Pages 10-11)

As Media Matters for America documented, on the June 25 edition of MSNBC's Tucker, Buchanan asserted that “every 20 months, we add a new Mexico in the Third World. You're going to add 30 new Mexicos by 2050, and they all know the door is open.” During the show, Buchanan went on to criticize the immigration bill being considered by Congress at the time and similarly warned of losing the “American Southwest”: “If you grant amnesty -- and there's nothing in this bill that stops the invasion -- I think you lose the American Southwest.” As Media Matters also noted, in his 2006 book, State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America (Thomas Dunne Books), Buchanan also made reference to a “new Mexico”:

The crisis of the West is of a collapsing culture and vanishing peoples, as a Third World that grows by 100 million people -- the equivalent of a new Mexico -- every eighteen months mounts the greatest invasion in the history of the world. If we do not shake off our paralysis, the West comes to an end. (Page 245)

From the November 26 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes:

HANNITY: Our friend Pat Buchanan highlights what he calls “a nation in crisis” in his explosive brand-new book. It's called Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed are Tearing America Apart.

In the book, he takes aim at illegal immigration, calling it “the greatest invasion in our nation's history.” Joining us now, with his first interview about his brand-new book, just out today, Day of Reckoning, former presidential candidate himself, Pat Buchanan. How -- you miss those old days?

BUCHANAN: Yeah, this would have been my time. It's a little past it for me but my ideas are out there.

HANNITY: Well, I -- look. I've said this to you many times, we're friends: Pat Buchanan is often ahead of his time. You were way ahead of your time on immigration and the debate in this country. Here's what you say in the book, and it scares me because a lot of -- having read the book now, I'm afraid this may be true: “America is ... coming apart, decomposing, and ... the likelihood of her survival as one nation ... is improbable -- and impossible if America continues on [its] current course.” Pat Buchanan, those -- that's a scary scenario for all of us who love this country.

BUCHANAN: It is. It is. But take a look at the unity we had, say, in the 1950s and early 1960s. What have we gone through? You had a culture war that's divided us completely on matters of morality. You've got a wholesale invasion, the greatest invasion in human history, coming across your southern border, changing the composition and character of your country. You've got the melting pot that once welded us all together, which has broken down. All of these things are happening, Sean, and, frankly, I don't think we got the kind of solid, firm, strong national leadership you need to deal with this crisis.

HANNITY: You say we're on a path of national suicide. I want to ask this question directly because you say it's a day of reckoning. Do you really believe that America, the country we all love as we know it, is in jeopardy of existing?

BUCHANAN: I think -- here's what I think. I think America may exist, but I'll tell you this: I do believe we're going to lose the American Southwest. I think it is almost inevitable. If we do not put a fence on that border --

HANNITY: I agree with you.

BUCHANAN: -- you're going to have 100 million Hispanics in the country, most of them new immigrants from Mexico, which believes that belongs to them. What's going to happen to us, Sean, in my judgment, is what is happening right now: We are Balkanizing. We are dividing and separating from one another politically, morally -- on issues like abortion or Terri Schiavo -- racially and ethnically, when you get Jena and then you get Don Imus, and all of these things ripping us apart. All the things that used to pull us together and hold us together no longer do.

HANNITY: You say that the greatest invasion in history of the Third World, et cetera, et cetera, talking about the invasion on our borders, and I agree with you. That to me is the number one security issue we have.

You talk about the culture is collapsing, the nation is being deconstructed along lines of race and class in America, a fiscal crisis is looming, Medicare, Social Security is going bankrupt, and we don't have politicians that can get along enough to solve the problem.