25 More Things To Know About Sean Hannity
Written by John Whitehouse
US Weekly thought it would be a good idea to give Trump toady and Fox News host Sean Hannity a safe space to just talk about himself, with a post titled “25 Things You Don’t Know About Me.” To provide a more fair and balanced perspective, Media Matters presents 25 more things you probably don’t know about Sean Hannity but definitely should:
Hannity was fired from his first radio job after saying that gay people are prone to disease because they consume each other's feces during sex.
After outlets banned selling the confederate flag, Hannity demanded that they also stop selling rap music.
Hannity promised that he would be waterboarded for charity. Hannity has never followed through. He also slammed a football into his desk, screaming “imagine this is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's head. Dunk it in water so we can save American lives."
Hannity defended a killer convicted of multiple counts of premeditated first-degree murder and second degree murder. He also has lauded Trayvon Martin’s killer George Zimmerman.
Hannity used footage from a Glenn Beck rally to make a Michele Bachmann rally look bigger than it actually was.
Hannity lied about Michelle Obama’s senior thesis in order to portray her as a radical.
Hannity praised 9/11 and Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, to tell him he was doing a “great job.”
Hannity attacked former president Barack Obama for hugging a black guy in 1991.
Hannity’s source for anti-Clinton information was a former editor of the Weekly World News who frequently wrote about Bigfoot and aliens. Hannity also has a bizarre fascination with Hillary Clinton’s underwear.
Hannity accused Black Lives Matter of advocating for cop-killing and compared them to the KKK.
Hannity agreed with Sen. Ted Cruz that the marriage equality Supreme Court decision was “some of the darkest 24 hours in our nation’s history”
Hannity said that only idiots refer to climate change, he just calls it the weather.
Hannity defended Donald Trump’s racist attacks on a federal judge overseeing the Trump University case.
Hannity wanted to make sure that kids learn that “being gay is not normal.”
Hannity got interested in the birther conspiracy about Obama right around the same time that Trump did. Hannity later offered to pay for the Obamas to fly to Kenya if they never came back.
Hannity appeared in an actual Donald Trump ad. Trump during a debate demanded that Americans call Sean Hannity to verify his Iraq War lie.
A survey of cable news hosts named Hannity the worst of cable news which made him furious. Later, when A Wall Street Journal editor called him “Fox News’ dumbest anchor,” Hannity had a late-night meltdown on Twitter.
During one of their many interviews, Hannity fed Trump a lie about Syrian refugees from a hoax website. Trump then began repeating it at campaign events.
Hannity declared a probe into Russian hacking during the 2016 election a “liberal media fake news story.”
Dick Morris gave Republican donors a tour of Hannity studio, and they discussed politics with Hannity in his green room.
Hannity wondered if Colin Kaepernick protested the national anthem because “he might have converted to Islam.” Hannity also denied that Trump had been hostile to non-white voters.
Hannity’s charity was a scam, as first noted by a far-right conservative birther of all people.
VICE mocked Hannity’s martial arts skills and described Hannity as “the kind of bro who talks up his street fighting skills on Twitter.”
Hannity said that John Legend -- who won an Academy Award for his song in the historical drama Selma -- “doesn’t know anything” about voting rights.
Hannity was described by the website Wonkette as “the dumbest motherfucker on planet Earth.”
Media Matters did not contact Sean Hannity for comment.