Referring to Limbaugh's Frank “patrols Uranus” comment, Steyn discusses “number of nuts” in Hubby Hubby ice cream

From the September 2 broadcast of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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STEYN: And speaking of which, I see that Ben and Jerry's have introduced, to celebrate the dawn of gay marriage in Vermont yesterday, a special gay marriage ice cream -- because they thought it was appropriate to mark the occasion -- called Hubby Hubby. It's usually their flavor is called Chubby Hubby, but they've introduced a new gay version, Hubby Hubby, and they said they're handing it out free across Vermont.

So if you're driving -- if you're driving up I-89 or I-91 and you're flagged down and somebody offers you the -- says “Why did you flag me down?” -- it's to give you the gay marriage ice cream. Don't worry, that's perfectly normal in Vermont. It's nothing to worry about. If you're just generally accosted in the Green Mountain state and given the gay -- shit. Twice -- yeah, HR says this is the same ice cream -- or does it have twice the number of nuts? It's -- yeah.

That's pretty much it. Almost all the gay ice cream jokes are undoable. I'm not like Rush with his mean-spirited Barney Frank planetary joke, you know? I don't go there. It's like -- that's not what I'm going to do. All that stuff about “Now, what was the name of the original flavor? Tootie Fruity?” I'm not gonna do any of those kind of cheap gags. It's inappropriate.

It's a nice thing. Ben and Jerry have introduced Vermont's first gay ice cream. And HR's mocking this -- and he can do his cheap cracks -- but this is a date that they will -- that will go down in history. Make a note of it: September the First, 2009 -- Vermont's first gay ice cream. This is what -- this is what is so -- this is what's keeping -- this is what keeps America at the cutting edge.


Limbaugh: "[W]e all know that Barney [Frank] patrols Uranus"

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