Limbaugh's upset kids can't get vaccine that may have been “developed to kill” them?

On Monday's show, Limbaugh picked up on a story hyped by Drudge about Guantánamo detainees being offered the H1N1 vaccine. Limbaugh claimed:

LIMBAUGH: The detainees at Guantánamo Bay are going to receive a swine flu vaccine? Kids in the Midwest, parts of North Carolina, can't have the swine flu vaccine, but detainees at Club Gitmo are going to get the vaccine. I don't know. We're just out of whack. Everything is just surreal.

Limbaugh is ignoring that military personnel will be vaccinated before detainees and that vaccinating detainees can help protect military personnel and their families.

But Limbaugh is obviously thinking of the children.

Apparently, Limbaugh is upset they're not getting a vaccine that may have been developed to kill them.

That's what Limbaugh said after all:

LIMBAUGH: Checked the email during the break: “Rush, sounded like you didn't think [Louis] Farrakhan's kind of loopy here for saying that the swine flu is developed to kill people.” Folks, it's hard to disagree with him on this. I mean, after the stories we have discussed just this week on cancer testing now being no good, We've -- cash for no babies -- carbon credits for not having babies, that's the only way to save the planet.

We've got death panels in Florida. We have an administration in love with the teachings of Chairman Mao. So Farrakhan comes along and says that the swine flu is developed to kill people -- oh, no, the vaccine, I'm sorry -- swine flu vaccine developed to kill people, and he seems perfectly within the realm of reality to me with all the other news that's going on out there.

He said that the people who won't take the vaccine are wise, which includes me. Minister Farrakhan has unknowingly, probably, pronounced me as wise. Now, at any other point in my life I would think, well, this guy's lost his marbles. He's a true fruitcake, gone over the edge; and an order of fries short of a happy meal. But how can you, with everything else going on in the country today, how in the world can you just discard this?

Limbaugh has been fomenting hysteria over the H1N1 vaccines for weeks now. Not only that, he's also downplayed and even mocked reports of the number of children who have died from H1N1. And now he's suddenly concerned about those children getting the vaccine?