Limbaugh's Reaction To Harassment Allegations Against Cain: Unrestrained Vitriol, Misogyny
Written by Karen Famighetti
Since Politico reported allegations of sexual harassment against GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, Rush Limbaugh has viciously attacked Cain's accusers and women in general. In the course of his ranting, Limbaugh has called an accuser's 13-year-old son a “brownshirt preview” and suggested that women should wear burkas to deter harassment.
Politico Publishes Story On Allegations Of “Inappropriate Behavior” By Cain
Politico: “At Least Two Female Employees Complained ... About Inappropriate Behavior By Cain.” Politico reported:
During Herman Cain's tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, at least two female employees complained to colleagues and senior association officials about inappropriate behavior by Cain, ultimately leaving their jobs at the trade group, multiple sources confirm to POLITICO.
The women complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them financial payouts to leave the association. The agreements also included language that bars the women from talking about their departures. [Politico, 10/31/11]
Limbaugh Responds To Politico Story With Race-Baiting
Limbaugh: Politico Story “Is About Blacks ... Getting Too Uppity.” On his website, Rush Limbaugh featured the transcript of a radio show segment in which he defended Cain using the title: “We Should Not be Surprised by the Left's Racist Hit Job on Herman Cain.” On his radio show, he stated:
LIMBAUGH: It really is about blacks and Hispanics getting too uppity. That's what this is. You don't achieve in American politics as a Republican, as a self-reliant individual or conservative. You don't do it. You try it and we're going to destroy you -- Washington Post and Marco Rubio last week and the week before. Today, Herman Cain.
Now Clinton is laughing because he knows the media and the liberals are gonna treat a black conservative far different than how they would treat any Democrat. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 10/31/11]
Limbaugh Defends His Remarks: “The Left Doesn't Like Black Conservatives.” On the November 4 edition of his show, Limbaugh doubled down on his remarks:
LIMBAUGH: I'm simply describing what I see. And there's no question that this is being done to a black conservative. That the left doesn't like black conservatives. The left doesn't like Hispanic conservatives. The left doesn't like minorities who are conservative, who show an ability to rise to the top of any organization they're in. The left doesn't like it.
That's right. I have crossed the line, because the charge of racism is theirs exclusively to make. No one's allowed to make that charge, and here I come making the charge, and they can't deal. It's thrown right -- it hits them right upside the face, and they don't know what to do, except call a foul.
“You can't do that. That's what we do. You're not allowed to do that. You can't call us racist. You're the racist. You can't do that. Especially 'cause it's true. You can't call us out like that. You're gonna blow up our whole game if you keep doing this. You gotta shut up. We're gonna start trying to make fun of you and now maybe say you're in favor of affirmative action.” [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/4/11]
Fourth Woman Accuses Cain Of Sexual Harassment
NY Times Reports Allegations From Fourth Woman. From a November 7 New York Times article:
Herman Cain said he would offer a formal defense Tuesday against allegations from a woman who said Mr. Cain made an unwanted and rough physical advance on her 14 years ago when he was the chief of the National Restaurant Association.
The woman, Sharon Bialek, said Monday that Mr. Cain had made the advance after she asked him for employment help in 1997 after being fired from the association's education foundation.
“There is not an ounce of truth in all of these accusations,” Mr. Cain said in a jovial interview on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on ABC, where the highly charged issue was discussed by the host in the mostly humorous terms typical of late night television. “That's why I'm willing to do a press conference tomorrow,” Mr. Cain said, “to set the record straight.”
After taking her out for a night on the town in Washington, [Bialek] said, he suggested she engage with him sexually in return for his assistance -- seizing her inappropriately when they were alone in a car and running his hand up her skirt.
“Mr. Cain said, 'You want a job, right?' ” she said. [The New York Times, 11/7/11]
Limbaugh Reacts By Complaining That The Country Is Run By “Wusses” And Making Crude Noises
Limbaugh: New Accusation A Sign That “Wusses” And “Pantywaists Run The World.” On the November 7 edition of his show, Limbaugh reacted to the new allegations:
LIMBAUGH: I have a question. And this is -- I think this is fundamental. This is the sound bite we just played with Jonathan Martin, where he said as justification for doing the original Politico story on Herman Cain, “Well, we had the fact that one of these women was brought upon by Cain in a hotel room and was made to feel very uncomfortable.” Folks, I get uncomfortable when room service shows up when I'm in a hotel. What is this? That's not a fact of anything, it is an accusation.
And more than that, it's a touchy-feely accusation. How many people are made to feel uncomfortable every day by other people? What kind of wusses run the world now? What kind of pantywaists run the world? Who is it -- “I was made to feel very uncomfortable. I think it's worth $50,000, Mr. Limbaugh.” Every day, we all are made to feel uncomfortable by something.
I would be afraid to complain how many times I'm uncom-- for crying out loud, that's the whole point. A nation of whiners and complainers, who want to be paid for it. For being offended or being made to feel uncomfortable. But so what? By what, Mr. Martin? What the has the -- the problem here is that that is not a fact. Not yet. That's an accusation. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/7/11]
Limbaugh: Gloria Allred Clarified Pronunciation Of Cain Accuser's Name: It's “Buy-A-Lick, As In [Slurping Sound] Buy-A-Lick.” On the November 7 edition of his show, Limbaugh made crude noises when discussing the pronunciation of the accuser's name.
LIMBAUGH: OK, folks, get this. Now, I have been wrong in pronouncing the fourth Cain accuser's name, Bialek. Gloria Allred says that her name is pronounced Bialek, as in “buy-a-lick.” Bialek, it's B-I-A-L-E-K. I assumed it was Bialek, but Gloria Allred says her name is “buy-a-lick” as in [slurping sound] “buy a lick.”
No, no. No. No, no. “Buy-a-lick.” Well, there's no R in the name, so you can't say it's “rent-a-lick.” It's “buy-a-lick.” And that's according to Gloria Allred. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/7/11]
Limbaugh Pretends People Are Upset At His Pronunciation of Bialek's Name, Not His Slurping Sounds. On the November 8 edition of his show, Limbaugh defended his pronunciation of Bialek's name, after playing a news report in which the anchor pronounced her name as “buy-a-lick.”
LIMBAUGH: Did you hear how he pronounced it? “Buy-a-lick.” And that's how Gloria Allred said to pronounce it yesterday. And yet, here's Carol Costello getting all over me. I'm used to it, folks. I can handle it. Everybody's always all over me. Here, play this thing from the top. Now we know that's how he was pronouncing it. “Buy-a-lick.” OK, next thing you know, we're gonna know she was at Penn State at some point. Go. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/8/11]
Limbaugh Then Admits He “Might Have” Made Crude Sounds, But It's A “Holdover” From Barney Frank Song. From the November 8 edition of his show:
LIMBAUGH: By the way, I don't know -- I didn't say anything bad about Bialek. I didn't know anything about her. All I did was pronounce her name the way Allred did. And I was right.
LIMBAUGH: It's a minor point, but when people start ripping me for getting things -- I am in the communication business. I am a highly trained broadcast specialist. Pronouncing things right is what I do. That's why when I don't know how something is pronounced I go with two or three different options because I sometimes haven't heard the way it is pronounced. But Allred in the third time actually hits it very hard: “buy-a-lick.”
What sound did I make with my mouth? I don't know. We'll have to go back to and listen. I might have made [slurp] like, you know, a lick sound [slurp]. But that's just a holdover from Barney Frank theme song. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/8/11]
Limbaugh Compares Accuser's 13-Year-Old Son To A Nazi “Brownshirt”
Limbaugh Calls Cain Accuser's 13-Year-Old Son A “Brownshirt Preview” Because He Encouraged Her To Come Forward. On the November 8 edition of his show, after playing a clip in which Bialek described her 13-year-old son's encouraging her to come forward with her story, Limbaugh turned to attacking her son and compared him to a Nazi:
LIMBAUGH: You think Obama doesn't love hearing this, a 13-year-old tattletale? I mean, this is a brownshirt preview here. Exactly what big-government types like. Thirteen-year-old. “You tell on him, Mom. You go tell on him.” [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/8/11]
Later In Show, Limbaugh Uses Mocking Voice To Imitate Accuser's Son. From his November 8 show:
LIMBAUGH: The woman gives the 13-year-old kid the details of what happened, and then seeks the advice of the 13-year-old. And the 13-year-old says, “I think you should tell on him, Mommy.” Which should make Obama ear perk up. Oh. I'll tell you, the leftist brownshirts would love that. Tattletales galore. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/8/11]
During Rant About Sexual Harassment, Limbaugh Suggests Women Should Wear Burkas If They Want To Be Left Alone
Limbaugh To Women: “Why Don't You Just Make It Official, Put On Some Burkas” If You Want Everybody To Leave You Alone? From the November 8 edition of his radio show:
LIMBAUGH: Political correctness, which is censorship, has now spread to behavior, not just speech. It's spread to behavior. And sexual harassment now is a political weapon, and it's anything anybody wants it to be. You don't need a specific allegation. All you need is the appearance of impropriety, and that's where this gets dicey, because with this roaring liberalism through our culture, what appears to be inappropriate, in the old days was nothing.
LIMBAUGH: A fifth woman now? In a period of two weeks. Herman Cain's been alive how many years? Sixty-five years. And in two weeks of his life, bam-o, five women from out of nowhere. When he takes a lead in the polls for the pre-- you know, I'll tell you. You women, why don't you just make it official, put on some burkas, and I'll guaran-damn-tee you, nobody'll touch you. You put on a burka, and everybody'll leave you alone, if that's what you want. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/8/11]
Limbaugh Attacks Fifth Cain Accuser: She Has “A Pattern Of Whining”
Limbaugh: Cain Accuser “Has Tried To Use Being Offended For Personal Gain.” From the November 9 edition of Limbaugh's show:
LIMBAUGH: There is the most amazing story, and it looks like a random act of journalism from the AP, on the latest accuser, this Kraushaar babe, Karen Kraushaar, 55. A pattern of whining. This is a person who has tried to use being offended for personal gain. AP exclusive: “Accuser filed complaint in next job.” It is an amazing story. I can't believe that AP ran it. It's long as it can be. I don't know that I want to get into every smidgy little detail of it. I might. It just depends on how things unfold here on the big program today. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/9/11]