Limbaugh Wire 3/16/2009 Part II

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by the Albany Reichstag/Kremlin
By Simon Maloy

Rush kicked off the second hour by denouncing the “1984 Orwellian” move by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, demanding information from AIG about bonus recipients. Calling Cuomo “Spitzer minus the call girls,” Rush said if this move is successful, Obama and the Democrats will have a “bee line” to Americans' bank accounts. After welcoming his new listeners, Rush explained the underlying philosophy of all his commentary -- government intervention is bad (our guess would have been fact-free speculation). Again lamenting that no one was complaining about the “outrage” of government excess, Rush expanded the “egghead” and “elite” clique circulating government money around to include, maybe, some “Republicans in name only.” That's what you call progress, folks. We'll take it where we can get it.

Moving on, Rush credited David Broder for writing that Obama's honeymoon is “over,” saying that Broder and others in the media are finally picking up on what Limbaugh was getting at when he declared his wish that Obama “fail.” Rush didn't want credit though, he just warned his listeners to never “doubt” him again, particularly on his next bit of wisdom. Rush noted that in his remarks today, Obama said that AIG CEO Edward Liddy “came on board after the contracts that led to these bonuses were agreed to last year.” Rush characterized this as a “pardon” for Liddy, explaining that even though the “community organizer liberal” Obama has a “chip on his shoulder” about Wall Street wealth, he's going to protect the Wall Street Democrats... like Liddy, who, again, gave $2,300 each to John McCain and the RNC last year.

Then Rush took us back to the pioneer days to explain his frustration with a recent study that shows that the stress of sitting in traffic ups heart attack risk. If this is true, Rush says, the U.S. is a nation of “wusses,” because that's not stress. The Donner Party, that was stress, according to Rush. Rush persisted, explaining that this “wuss” nation of ours has to “invent” our traumas, like Attention Deficit Disorder.

Coming back from the break, Rush proclaimed that the focus on AIG bonuses is intended to distract from reports that AIG used bailout money to pay Goldman Sachs and European banks $93 billion, once again comparing himself to Paul Revere.

Another break, and Rush was not quite done making comparisons. Once again noting Cuomo's demand for bonus information from AIG, Rush quipped: “Is he working out of the Reichstag or what? Have they -- does Albany have a Reichstag building in it? Or maybe there's a Kremlin in it.”

Rush then went on to claim that the Rick Santelli-inspired “tea parties” are “blossoming” all over the country because “people are tired of paying the freight for people who refuse to work; they're tired of paying mortgages for people who are making no effort to pay them; they are tired of bailing out failed companies; they are tired of things like unions and card check being forced on small business.” Most importantly, however, the Santelli populists are “outrage[d] at this administration for trying to wipe out the fundamental building blocks of this nation's founding.”

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Barack Obama not only is not shocked about these AIG bonuses, he's not outraged. Despite what he said today, he's not mad about it; he's ecstatic. As a community organizer liberal, Barack Obama has a chip on his shoulder about Wall Street wealth. Now he's going to protect Democrat Wall Street titans, he's going to do what he can to keep them wealthy because they are the underwriters, they are the essence of the Democrat Party today. That's why he pardoned the CEO of AIG while ripping the actions at that company with the CEO as the head honcho.


LIMBAUGH: We have had to invent our traumas. People of this generation have had to invent our traumas and give them initials: ADD, ABB, SHH. All of -- whatever. I mean, you know, restless leg syndrome -- all of these things to convince ourselves we have it tough.

Now I understand, stress is real when you feel it, even if it's manufactured by yourself, even if you create your own stress, I am understand that -- and I'm not saying that life's a bowl of cherries, piece of cake and all that. Don't you think a little perspective might be called for when you're stuck in traffic?


LIMBAUGH: Have you seen the news of the tea party in Cincinnati? Thousands -- over the weekend, thousands of people showed up. These tea parties are blossoming and growing all over the fruited plain. People fed up -- and I'll tell you what, it's not about bonuses to AIG people. That's not why these tea parties are taking place. These tea parties -- God love you people doing them -- these tea parties are taking place because people are tired of paying the freight for people who refuse to work; they're tired of paying mortgages for people who are making no effort to pay them; they are tired of bailing out failed companies; they are tired of things like unions and card check being forced on small business.

These tea parties are a direct result of an outrage at this administration for trying to wipe out the fundamental building blocks of this nation's founding. That's what's under assault: capitalism and this nation's founding. And that's what these tea parties are all about.

These tea parties, they're not happening because of bonuses to people that work at AIG. One hundred-fifty tea parties have either taken place or are planned across the fruited plain.

Ego on loan from Narcissus

LIMBAUGH: Meanwhile, $93 billion from AIG to Goldman Sachs and European banks, 165 million to employees of AIG. Folks, don't fall for this. It's too late. I know -- I mean, I'm just -- I'm Paul Revere here, shouting the British are coming. The difference is nobody believes me.

“Fascism” watch

LIMBAUGH: Anyway, Cuomo is demanding the contracts guaranteeing these bonuses, and the names of the individuals who developed and negotiated the contracts. So he wants the names of the execs who negotiated the contracts and the contracts, and he wants the names of the people getting the bonuses.

Is he working out of the Reichstag or what? Have they -- does Albany have a Reichstag building in it? Or maybe there's a Kremlin in it. This is the New York attorney general. Obama doesn't have to lift a hand, he just has to have Andrew Cuomo go out and do his dirty work.