Limbaugh Turns Over His Show to The American Spectator

Limbaugh began and ended his show today by gushing over an American Spectator article, which he said prints out to 16 pages. Rush spent nearly the entire show reading from it, pausing every now and then to take callers. Most of his responses to the callers referenced the American Spectator piece. Much of this was simply rambling on and on about “the ruling class,” and Limbaugh managed to repeat a false claim - from the American Spectator piece, of course - that Supreme Court Justice nominee Elena Kagan covered up a plagiarism case at Harvard while she was dean of the law school there.

After more than two hours, Limbaugh got off the topic of the American Spectator article and discussed a New York Times blog post that connected the current landscape of unemployment in America to “the effect of the financial crisis on business owners who reacted to the fear and uncertainty by laying off employees in extraordinary numbers.” Rush blamed government.

Here are the highlights from the show:

Rush reads from American Spectator piece to falsely suggest Kagan covered up plagiarism

Limbaugh repeats misleading claim that U.S. has second-highest corporate tax rate in the world