Limbaugh: Obama admin's objective is to “preside over America's decline”

by Fae Jencks

Rush Limbaugh opened his show saying that if he could change only one thing about America, he would change the fact that “so many people born in this country hate it.” While Rush claimed he didn't want to “get in to” whether or not President Obama himself was patriotic, Limbaugh suggested “it's clear that Obama has a different view of this country than the vast majority of the people.” Limbaugh went on to discuss Obama's upcoming appearance on The View and said “every day Obama is in that office he denigrates it.”

In the second hour, Limbaugh shifted his attacks to the left as a whole, claiming, “if I were everything the left says I am, I would be one of them” and called liberals “racists,” “bigots,” and “sexists.” Limbaugh then blamed the financial crisis on liberalism, and placed blame on the policies of Presidents Carter and Clinton, Senator Chris Dodd, and Rep. Barney Frank, whom he claimed “forced” banks into making bad loans. Limbaugh concluded that “there's really no comparison here in the destructive nature of the two parties.”

After making similar attacks throughout the show, and claiming that Obama would raise taxes on small businesses, Limbaugh rounded out his broadcast by suggesting that “we've never had an administration this destructive ... whose objective was to preside over America's decline.”

Highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh: Obama and his supporters “have an active, ongoing, and increasing dislike of this country”

Limbaugh: “For every day Obama's in that office, he denigrates it”

Limbaugh falsely suggests Obama's proposing to tax most small businesses

Limbaugh: “There's really no comparison here in the destructive nature of the two parties”

Recycling old falsehoods, Limbaugh names “liberalism” as the sole cause of the economic crisis