Limbaugh, no holds barred: Sheehan “doesn't have the IQ of a pencil eraser”


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On the September 26 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh attacked the motivations of Cindy Sheehan motivations in engaging in her anti-war activities, stating she is being “inculcated” and “manipulated.” Limbaugh added that Sheehan “doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain” and “doesn't have the IQ of a pencil eraser.”

From the September 26 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: And, ah, they're easy prey, and Cindy Sheehan's a classic example. Cindy Sheehan doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain. Cindy Sheehan doesn't have the IQ of a pencil eraser. She has been elevated as the front person for this group because she evokes sympathy. She is no more -- way of leading a movement than the neighborhood mouse that goes from house to house in your neighborhood looking for cheese is leading a movement. It's just -- it's just funny as it can be, but it's also sad at the same time because these are people who haven't amounted to diddly-squat, who desperately want to matter, and they are being led and inculcated, manipulated, and promoted in ways -- by people who actually do have an agenda -- actually do have an anti-American agenda.