Limbaugh on Moderate Hezbollah Members: “Why Not Just Kill Them?”

Rush Limbaugh spent a large portion of today's show assailing the liberal media for their coverage of Tuesday's elections and ridiculing the idea that the elections could have been anything other than a referendum on Obama, even declaring Obama “the big loser” of the night. He managed to spin even progressive and Democratic wins as conservative victories of a sort, focusing in particular on Democrat Mark Critz's defeat of his Republican opponent in the race to fill the late Jack Murtha's seat. Rush didn't seem quite ready to stick to one spin of Critz's victory, however. At first, he insisted that Critz only won because he was “running as the Rush Limbaugh of the Democrat Party.” Later, he confusingly said that Pennsylvania voters must have known that Critz was lying about his purportedly conservative positions on issues -- otherwise Murtha's “gerrymandered” district would never have voted for him. At one point he suggested that Critz may have gotten a sympathy vote because of Murtha's death. Suggesting hypocrisy among Democratic politicians, he challenged Democrats to run on an agenda that aligns with Obama's and Pelosi's, insinuating that if they did they would suffer heavy losses in November.

Turning to the topic of the state dinner planned for Mexican president Felipe Calderon at the White House tonight, Rush used the opportunity to attack Mexico, Obama, and opponents to the Arizona immigration law. First, he talked about the White House blocking tweets from the chef preparing the dinner, concluding that it was evidence of Obama's desire to control everything in the media. He then took issue with Obama's remarks upon receiving Calderon at the White House; in reaction to Obama's statement “trabajemos juntos” (let's work together), Rush ominously declared that the root word was “junta.” Regarding the Arizona law, Rush stated that Obama purposely hasn't read it so that he can mischaracterize it. Rush said that we have no effective southern border, and said that Obama has invited Mexico to keep stepping on us because we are Mexico's doormat. In addition to attacking cities who have suggested a boycott on Arizona -- suggesting that such things lead to civil unrest -- Rush also attacked Obama over the suggestion that we ought to crack down on businesses recruiting undocumented workers. Rush characterized this as an attack by Obama on business and profit.

Throughout the show today, Rush offered his listeners an especially virulent multi-part tirade against the Left. To start things off, he declared that there is a disconnect between liberalism and Americanism. Obama, Rush stated, is plotting to overthrow core American values because he believes they are racist, bigoted, homophobic, anti-environmental values. Liberalism highlights and amplifies what is not real. It must do this because conservatives have won the battle of ideas, and liberalism is dead, but it's the ideology of those who run the schools and other institutions. Rush also accused the Obama administration of failing to reach out to moderate conservatives -- or to moderate talk show hosts -- complaining that instead he has reached out to “moderate terrorists” and “moderate anti-Semites” in attempting to reach out to moderate members of Hezbollah. “Why not just kill them?” he asked. Toward the end of the show, Rush stated that liberals are animated by rage against capitalism and against those who have achieved in a capitalist system. Hurricane Katrina, he said, was a godsend for the leftists because it provided an opportunity for them to blame their enemies.

Here are some highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh says boycotts of Arizona could lead to “civil unrest”

Limbaugh: Dems will lose PA-12 “unless they come up with a bunch of candidates who can make themselves sound like me”

Limbaugh falsely calls Kagan a “socialist,” says her nomination shows “disconnect between liberalism and Americanism”

After playing Obama's words to Mexican president, “Trabajemos juntos,” Limbaugh says: “Root word there is junta”

Limbaugh says Obama is “lying” about AZ law and “plotting” to “overthrow core American values”

Limbaugh's take on admin plan to reach out to moderate Hezbollah members: “Why not just kill them?”