Limbaugh: “I'm Not Here To Rip Into General Motors,” But ...

In response to recent criticism from White House, Rush Limbaugh repeatedly claimed that he was “not here to rip into General Motors.” Nonetheless, Rush launched into a rant about the Chevy Volt, saying that “putting four seats on top of a lawnmower ... is not innovation,” and suggesting that GM was forced into making it by an “authoritarian-type regime” that is “dictating that cars be made that nobody wants.” Limbaugh lambasted the electric car's battery for only getting 40 miles per charge and said that the Volt is not “evidence of progress” or “success.”

Limbaugh also railed against the decision to bail out the automakers in the first place, claiming that it was made to prop up “a bunch of union jobs” because Obama “owed them.” Rush also argued that the president was touting jobs in Detroit today in order to create the illusion that “the government saved something that capitalism broke.” Rush further suggested that the real cause of the automakers' financial troubles was government mandated fuel efficiency standards.

Rush also took time to criticize the Democrats for a recent House vote on funding for 9-11 first responders, calling it “a trick.” Limbaugh later warned that “there are gonna be tax increases next year for everything,” which will lead to a “double-dip recession, guaranteed.” Limbaugh rounded out his criticism of the Democrats by summing up what he thinks it means to be a Democrat in two words: “Screw you.”

Highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh: House vote on 9/11 responders bill is “a trick”

Limbaugh blames CAFE standards for auto industry troubles

Limbaugh: We have an “authoritarian-type regime,” “dictating that cars be made that nobody wants”

Limbaugh: “There are gonna be tax increases next year for everything,” “double-dip recession, guaranteed”

Limbaugh on what it means to be a Democrat: “Screw you”