Limbaugh In Denial About Public Option Support, Calls WaPo Poll “Fraudulent”

By Tom Allison

Obama “doesn't seem to care” about troops in harm's way

Rush opened the show announcing that “it just came out today” that American taxpayers wouldn't be getting their money back from TARP and the auto bailouts. Rush read from a article quoting TARP Inspector General that the taxpayer liability will be $159 billion.

Rush moved on to discuss a Politico article and video about the Obama administration's strategy to marginalize the GOP and conservative media, including Rush himself. Rush claimed that this was proof that the White House is “targeting private citizens.” Rush was not happy with the article's conclusion that the White House has been successful in marginalizing its critics, and claimed that the Democrats are in trouble in upcoming contests.

Rush went on to argue that the Democratic party is the one that's being defined by its fringe.

Rush characterized Obama as “Joe Camel” and Mr. Cool, but stated that everyone he's put in his administration is a kook. Rush again claimed that “two of them have praised Mao Zedong” and concluded that Mark Lloyd, Anita Dunn, and Ron Bloom “are Obama.”

Rush also mocked a Mort Zuckerman column titled “The free market is not up to the job of creating work” and claimed that it was similar to the AP article from yesterday reporting that high unemployment might be the new norm.

Back from the break, Rush returned to his “I hope he fails” comments and played some audio from Obama poking fun at his critics for rooting against the Olympics. Undeterred, Rush criticized Daley for “sending Obama” to Copenhagen and for “botching” their efforts to bring the games to Chicago. He also called Obama a “laughingstock.” Rush also said “you just have to laugh” at Rio being in flames but getting the Olympics anyway.

Rush reiterated that he doesn't want health care and energy to fail, he just wants health care reform and Obama's energy plan to fail.

Back from the break, Rush claimed that he “lives in Obama's head rent-free” and played another sound bite from Obama praising Democrats for thinking for themselves. Because presidents never attend fundraisers for their party, naturally Rush concluded that Obama “doesn't care” about the troops in Afghanistan because he's helping to raise money for fellow Democrats:

LIMBAUGH: Now, I have a question: Where is, and when is the commander in chief gonna act like the commander in chief? Here he is, up there being purely ideological in a campaign mode at a fundraiser in the midst of what his vice president has now called a depression. And he's yukking it up, and he's taking potshots at me and Fox News, the Chamber of Commerce. We are his number-one enemy. He can't let go of us. I live in his head rent-free.

Meanwhile, we have tens of thousands of Americans fighting a war in Afghanistan that Obama himself said is crucial. Yet today he's campaigning for Corzine in Jersey after doing a fundraiser with millionaires last night. I wouldn't much care, obviously, except for the fact he's leaving our soldiers on the battlefield without the support that the commanders have asked for, and he just doesn't seem to care that someone's child or husband or wife or father or mother is facing down this enemy without the support they need. He just doesn't seem to care. But oh, they got to marginalize me, a private citizen talk show host. They gotta marginalize Fox News, they gotta go after the first amendment, and people who are using it to dissent from the radicalism represented by Obama. When will this president put aside his ego -- “I like that about you! I like the fact you think for yourself. I like that of you.” When will this president put aside his Max Headroom ego, his arrogance, his political agenda, and do the right thing just once?

Rush went on to praise George Bush for making the tough decision on the troop surge in Iraq and repeated that Obama “doesn't care about the troops in Afghanistan” because he's too busy targeting his critics.

Moving on, Rush characterized the auto bailout as a “Democrat idea” looking back to a New York Times article about Obama asking Bush to consider it. While claiming that Obama “voted for” an auto bailout, Rush ignored the fact that the Bush administration lent General Motors $13.4 billion in TARP funds.

Rush responded to a caller's criticism of Dede Scozzafava, Republican candidate for a House seat in New York, claiming that she should be a Democrat and cited a Wall Street Journal column that called her candidacy a “fiasco.”

H1N1 “being used as a tool to persuade people to support Obama's health care reform initiative”

In the second hour Rush returned to Democrats' coming “trouble” in elections and their policy agenda. Rush then talked about an Erick Erickson post on RedState boosting conservative Doug Hoffman's chances.

Rush read from a article on a shortage of H1N1 vaccine and a article that reported diagnoses of the H1N1 virus might have been overestimated. Claiming there “are no coincidences in politics,” Rush argued that the threat was deliberately overblown to scare people into supporting healthcare reform. Rush again invoked Nixon's enemies list and said that the media was happy to report on it because only conservatives were being targeted.

Back from the break, Rush called the recent ABC News/Washington Post poll that found massive support for the public option “fraudulent,” also characterizing it as the “ass-kissing treatment” from the Washington Post. Rush claimed that the poll sampled Democrats too heavily, calling it “racial weighting.”

Rush highlighted Sen. Lamar Alexander's comments from the Senate floor comparing the Obama administration to Nixon, warning the White House to change its ways. Rush responded this is “like telling the KGB to stop spying on people. It's like telling Castro to stop torturing dissidents. It's like telling Kim Jong Il, 'Hey, you better not launch that missile.' It's like telling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 'You better not, you better not, or we're really going to get into some diplomacy with you.'”

Later Rush smeared liberalism, calling it “nothing sensible in a normal, logical way” and that “is counter to everything about the human spirit.”

Anyone who supports Obama “become corrupt”

Rush opened his third hour with a New York Times report on The American Cancer Society's concerns of that the benefits of breast and prostate cancers might have been overstated. Rush was upset that we have been “shamed” into getting too many screenings and suggested that Obama “conveniently” might be involved. Claiming that the Cancer Society has lost its integrity, Rush claimed that anyone who goes along with Obama's political arguments becomes corrupt and loses their credibility.

Citing a HotAir article, Rush ranted for much of the hour on Congress' inability to reduce health care costs. Calling Democratic plans to reduce health care costs “smoke and mirrors,” Rush claimed that the bills would just reduce doctors' earnings and pointed to doctors' dropping Medicare patients. A caller told Rush that “women will die” if healthcare reform is passed to which Rush responded: “that's right.”

Wrapping up the show, Rush claimed that “if you listen to this show, you can't help but get smarter,” while viewing CNN “will severely hamper your IQ and your intellectual growth. In fact, you will suffer intellectual loss.”

Zachary Aronow and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.


LIMBAUGH: In the first of the two-parter here today, they conclude that we have been marginalized. They even have a passage in here in this story that -- Republican Party very worried about being defined by me, and other boisterous voices. So here's a two-part series on how the Republican Party and conservatism is dead because the White House is marginalizing its critics, and the Republican Party's listening to conservatives. Meanwhile, every poll shows the Democrats are gonna get whipped in the next election. They're gonna get whipped in a gubernatorial race next week or whenever it is in Virginia, and New Jersey is a curious toss-up.


LIMBAUGH: Now, I have a question: Where is, and when is the commander in chief gonna act like the commander in chief? Here he is, up there being purely ideological in a campaign mode at a fundraiser in the midst of what his vice president has now called a depression. And he's yukking it up, and he's taking potshots at me and Fox News, the Chamber of Commerce. We are his number-one enemy. He can't let go of us. I live in his head rent-free.

Meanwhile, we have tens of thousands of Americans fighting a war in Afghanistan that Obama himself said is crucial. Yet today he's campaigning for Corzine in Jersey after doing a fundraiser with millionaires last night. I wouldn't much care, obviously, except for the fact he's leaving our soldiers on the battlefield without the support that the commanders have asked for, and he just doesn't seem to care that someone's child or husband or wife or father or mother is facing down this enemy without the support they need. He just doesn't seem to care. But oh, they got to marginalize me, a private citizen talk show host. They gotta marginalize Fox News, they gotta go after the first amendment, and people who are using it to dissent from the radicalism represented by Obama. When will this president put aside his ego -- “I like that about you! I like the fact you think for yourself. I like that of you.” When will this president put aside his Max Headroom ego, his arrogance, his political agenda, and do the right thing just once?


LIMBAUGH: Why the uncertainty about who has and who hasn't had the flu? Because the government's in charge of tabulating all these kinds of statistics. Swine flu cases overestimated. Why -- now why would that be? Why would swine flu cases be overestimated? There are no coincidences in politics. “But Rush, but Rush, this is a disease, what do you mean politics?” It's political! The whole thing is political. It's being used as a tool to persuade people to support Obama's health care reform initiative. It is a tool whereby government officials get to tell citizens what they must do.


LIMBAUGH: What the name of Sam Hill -- what has happened to anybody's integrity here? This man, Barack Obama, is seeing to it that anybody who had any character, any integrity, they get along or go along with him or forced to, and they just lose it. They lose their character, they lose their integrity. They lose their credibility, and they themselves become corrupt.

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: There's nothing sensible in a normal, logical way about liberalism. It is counter to everything about the human spirit. It exists to destroy the human spirit. The -- their target here is people who believe in God. They have got to get belief in God shattered, then turn that belief into the state or towards the state. But talking about liberalism in terms of common sense, I don't -- it's -- of course it has no common sense. It's as dangerous as it can be.

Ego on loan from Narcissus

LIMBAUGH: You realize what an idiot you'll become with even casual exposure to CNN? They, they, they interview frauds, actors, and hoaxers and give them legitimacy. I'm warning you, you will severely hamper your IQ and your intellectual growth. In fact, you will suffer intellectual loss, contrary to if you listen to this show, you can't help but get smarter.