Hour 2: Echo Chamber: Rush Joins Beck, Drudge In Promoting Pelosi/Biden Cosmetic Surgery Smear

This hour of The Limbaugh Wire brought to you by “regular guy” Rush
By Greg Lewis

Rush kicked off the second hour asking a “big” question: When does Obama have time to read all his fan mail? Rush then supposed that Obama only gets letters demanding government-run health care. Then he read from a CNS News article reporting that Obama's science adviser, John Holdren, co-authored a book in 1973 that said a born baby “will ultimately develop into a human being.” The more we learn about the people in this administration, said Rush, the scarier it gets.

Then Rush pulled from his “stack of stuff” the previously teased Associated Press article about the trouble counting the number of jobs created by the stimulus. Rush said it was amazing that this story was from the “state-controlled” AP. The notion that we are creating jobs, said Rush, is folly. Next up in the stack was a post on The Hill's Pundit Blog by Bernie Quigley, asking the all-important campaign-era question: “Is Obama a snob?” Rush exuded a sense of glee as he read extensively from the post, expressing additional “surprise” that another “state-run” media outlet, The Hill, would publish such a thing. We're just as surprised as Rush, though for different reasons...

Before going into the break, Rush cited a Rasmussen poll, which found that 72 percent of Americans don't want the government “changing their light bulbs.” This led Rush to claim that he doesn't think he has one outlet in his “fashionable estate” that fits those things. This confused us for a moment -- compact fluorescent bulbs are compatible with most light fixtures, provided you don't use dimmers. But Rush quickly cleared this up for us, asking, “How are you going to put these things in chandeliers?” Oh, OK then, maybe he has a point. Regardless, he went into the break saying that he's just a “regular guy.”

Rush came back with a story that has been flagged by Drudge -- that the Senate Finance Committee considered taxing cosmetic surgery. Rush quipped:

LIMBAUGH: The Senate Finance Committee has discussed imposing 10 percent excise taxes on cosmetic surgery deemed unnecessary for medical purposes. We could -- we could lop off who knows how much money just off Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi alone. And John Kerry, the Lurch.

Hah! You know, we love this joke about Pelosi and Biden needing all this plastic surgery. It was funny when Drudge first made it, and even funnier when Mark Levin made it, and downright hilarious when Glenn Beck made it, and now that Rush is making the exact same joke, well, we're having trouble keeping our sides from splitting. We really hope the French “infobabe” -- or journaliste sexy -- had a translator/transcriptionist on hand, because radio this fresh is truly a rare thing, and the French-speaking world needs to know what they're missing.

Next up, the first caller of the hour told Rush that he Googled Henry Gates and found an interview he did for C-SPAN in which he said his mother hated and despised white people. Rush said that was just to balance Obama saying that his white grandmother was a typical white person who hated black people. Then Rush told the caller that he “knows” what caused Gates to blow up during the incident: the sergeant didn't recognize him. This is interesting, since Rush said just the other day Gates blew up to get publicity. Is it too much to ask for Rush to keep his stupid theories straight? He risks looking foolish... Anyway, Rush concluded as he segued into a commercial break: “We get a lot of calls from Chicago from people who do not know who this guy is. It's amazing. Right out of thug city and they don't know it!”

After the break, Rush took another caller who informed Rush he cancelled his membership in AARP today because the group is supporting Obama's health care reform. Rush said that AARP is just retired union people, and that Obama's plan would harm AARP members. Rush then lamented liberal groups like AARP and PETA, arguing that liberalism always comes first for these organizations, before their stated purposes.

Rush's next caller said that he just watched Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Hates Bicycles) on CNN debating House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD). The caller said that conservatives should echo Cantor's point that opposition to the health care bill was bipartisan because of Blue Dog Democrats. Rush responded with more blabbering about Democrats always needing a villain, which is what they are currently making the Blue Dogs out to be. Continuing his rant, Rush talked about White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel using the “crisis” as an opportunity to get people to clamor for more government. Then Rush pronounced that “ObamaCare is ballgame.” He continued: “ObamaCare is the end of the United States as we know it; it's not just the end of health care as you know it. With government-run health care, every aspect of our lives will be regulated as it relates to the cost of health care.”

Rush said Republicans can't stop any of this, so they should just get out of the way and “not even show up” for the vote. That way everyone will know that it's a Democratic debacle. After playing audio of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) explaining how Emanuel, when he was head of the DCCC, recruited many conservative Democrats, Rush suggested that Waters is “blaming” Rahm for their problems with Blue Dogs.

After the break, Rush read an article reporting that “hard times” are driving “more Michiganders to fish for food.” Rush said it makes sense that so few people have jobs up there and have more time for fishing. He rounded out the hour with a caller who claimed Obama was going to make it more expensive to go to clinics and hospitals and get health care. Rush couldn't have agreed more, though he stumbled over a joke and had to explain it for the benefit of la journaliste sexy.

Simon Maloy, Zachary Pleat, and Ariana Probinsky contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Democrats have come up with a way here that we might seriously make a dent in the annual budget deficit. The Senate Finance Committee has discussed imposing 10 percent excise taxes on cosmetic surgery deemed unnecessary for medical purposes. We could -- we could lop off who knows how much money just off Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi alone. And John Kerry, the Lurch.


LIMBAUGH: It's amazing. You know, we get a lot of calls from Chicago from people who do not know who this guy is. It's amazing. Right out of thug city and they don't know it!


LIMBAUGH: This -- ObamaCare is ballgame. ObamaCare is the end of the United States as we know it; it's not just the end of health care as you know it. With government-run health care, every aspect of our lives will be regulated as it relates to the cost of health care.