Hour 1: Limbaugh Compares Iranian Election To Minnesota Senate Election

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Obama's third, fourth, and fifth terms
By Simon Maloy

We've noted in the past that when it comes to President Obama and Iran, conservatives enjoy playing a rhetorical game called “Do Something.” The idea behind the game is that some conservative in the media will say the president should do “something” about Iran, not explain what that magical “something” is, and then yell and stamp their feet when Obama doesn't do “something,” claiming that Obama's failure to act has denied the Iranians the freedom and democracy they deserve. Rush, for example, attacked Obama for not “trying to hold to account a bunch of tyrants rigging an election,” but offered no clue as to how the president could do that. The argument is silly enough on its face, and it's also contradicted by a slew of conservatives who actually know something about Iran and say Obama is handling things just right. Well, it turns out that the American people don't buy it either -- a new CNN poll found that "[s]ixty-one percent of people questioned in the poll say they approve the way President Barack Obama's responded to the events in Iran," and “74 percent think the U.S. government should not directly intervene in the post-election crisis, with one out of four feeling that Washington should openly support the demonstrators who are protesting the election results.”

Rush got things rolling today by announcing that yet another of his sage-like prognostications had been proved correct. He aired audio from his January 9 show, in which he said that the media is going to create false stories to set the stage in people's minds that the economy is recovering when it really isn't. Then Rush aired a bite from CNN this morning, in which correspondent Christine Romans talked about slowing job losses, a spring stock revival, and the market thinking that things are going to get better. Rush said that things aren't getting better -- the market is down today and Reuters says that consumer confidence unexpectedly dropped in June. What's more, said Rush, Obama's "approval index" in the latest Rasmussen poll is at -2.

Then Rush returned to yesterday's discussion of the “chickification” of the news, explaining that he had missed an example -- a Politico article by Erika Lovely headlined: “Inside Sandford's Love Letters.” Rush mocked the concept of a “romance coach,” and said that women in the media are going nuts over Sanford's love letters. After a quick parody of yesterday's Time article on obesity in married couples (hilarious, as always...), Rush said that the state-run media in Iran is reporting that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gained votes in the recount. Rush added: "[J]ust like in our country. Norm Coleman wins in Minnesota in a recount, and they keep having recounts, and Al Franken wins. So they had the recount in Iran, and shazzam! Ahmadinejad gained votes!"

After the break, Rush returned to the CNN sound bite from earlier, in which Christine Romans talked about slowing job losses and the spring stock revival, saying that this is “journalistic malpractice.” This is absolutely absurd, he said, noting that Obama himself said he doesn't pay attention to the daily fluctuations of the stock market. Well, she wasn't talking about the daily fluctuations of the stock market; she was talking about the market's performance over the past few months, and she was right. Since March, the Dow has gained 2,000 points. Anyway, Rush continued, saying that the truth is that American families have lost 20 percent of their wealth. Trillions have been lost in 401ks and pension portfolios. Rush noted that the AP is reporting that unemployment in metropolitan areas rose for the fifth straight month in May, and he dared say that the vast majority of these metropolitan areas are run by Democrats.

Rush then noted that yesterday, when talking about cap and trade, he explained that he missed the fact that the people doing the trading will be on Wall Street and speculated that these Republicans that voted for “this abomination” did so because of campaign cash from Wall Street. Well, Rush said, the Examiner reported that “Political Action Committees (PACs) connected with the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, Ocean Champions and Republicans for Environmental Protection have made donations to most of these same eight Republican lawmakers in recent election cycles.” Those of you living in those districts, said Rush, should know that the money donated to their representatives meant more to them than voting on your desires.

After another quick break, Rush noted that the AP reported that Gov. Mark Sanford had more than one liaison with his Argentinian mistress. Rush “guaranteed” us “that news chicks across this country are now swooning.” Then Rush took his first caller, a gentleman claiming to be calling from Honduras. The caller said that this wasn't a coup, it wasn't violent, and the military put control back in the hands of the Congress. Rush said that the president wanted to defy the constitution and remain in office, and Chavez, Castro, and Obama agree with the dictator. Actually, Obama said that the situation should be resolved peacefully through Democratic processes. That's not standing with a dictator, that's seeking to avoid violence. Anyway, Rush agreed that it wasn't a coup, it was the Honduran constitution being upheld and sustained.

Then Rush endeavored to explain why Obama, in Rush's view, supports and endorses Marxist dictators. Apparently, it's a consequence of ideological genetics: “He certainly, clearly, seems to have inherited Marxist tendencies from his father, Barack Obama Sr.” It only went downhill from here, folks:

LIMBAUGH: But I think Obama is easily typecast. I think he has natural sympathies toward authoritarians. He has sympathy for dictators; he relates to them. He inherited his father's Marxism. And it's not me saying this, it's somebody from The American Thinker, the Nigerian woman writing last week, referring to Obama as an average African colonel [sic]. You have to wonder if Obama is just trying to lay a foundation for not being a hypocrite when he tries to serve beyond 2016.

Got it so far? Obama's alleged support for the Honduran president is all some big ploy to grant himself a few extra-constitutional presidential terms. You might be wondering how he's going to accomplish this. Well, aside from the assistance of the ACORN boogeyman, he's also going to get a hand from all those “minorities” and “illegal aliens” who don't care about the law:

LIMBAUGH: And I'll tell you, folks, this business about serving beyond 2016: You know, the thing that -- when you look at Obama's followers, and we've discussed it here, they are a cult-like bunch. And their attachment to him is not political, it's not ideological, it's not issue-wise -- it is cultish. It includes a wide percentage of minorities, by the way, who -- for different reasons -- who will come to think that he simply cannot be replaced.

Let all these -- let him succeed with amnesty for example, and all the illegal aliens who are instantly made citizens. He'll be too important. Just like right now he's too big to fail as far as the drive-bys are concerned, he's too important to be replaced. No one else can lead the nation, they will say. And they won't care a whit about the legalities that might be trampled. Half of them wouldn't care about the legalities anyway. They don't even know about them because they haven't been properly educated.

Rush concluded this jaunty spelunk into the depths of fevered conspiracy theorism by saying: “Anyone who thinks he constitutionally intends to go away in 2016 is nuts.”

After one more break, Rush said that the Honduran president doesn't see any way to negotiate with Obama, and there are whispers in Tegucigalpa that Venezuela is going to attack. This is exactly what Hugo Chavez wants, said Rush, and it's absurd that Obama is siding with dictators. Rush said we need to know what the Obama foreign policy doctrine is -- if it supports Marxist regimes, that has to be stated publicly.

Rush took one more call to round out the hour, this one objecting to Rush's admonishment yesterday of a gentleman who called Michael Jackson a child molester. Rush said he didn't defend Jackson, he just attacked the media.

Greg Lewis and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 1

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Look at this. From Iran's press television, the state-run media in Iran: Ahmadinejad gains votes in recount, just like in our country! It had -- just like in our country. Norm Coleman wins in Minnesota in a recount, and they keep having recounts, and Al Franken wins. So they had the recount in Iran, and shazzam! Ahmadinejad gained votes!


LIMBAUGH: You know they have to be laughing at us in the Middle East -- from Saudi Arabia to Iran to everywhere around the world. They're laughing at us because they're laughing at the naïveté or at the good fortune that they have witnessed in having this man, Barack Obama, be president of the United States. He certainly, clearly, seems to have inherited Marxist tendencies from his father, Barack Obama Sr.


LIMBAUGH: But I think Obama is easily typecast. I think he has natural sympathies toward authoritarians. He has sympathy for dictators; he relates to them. He inherited his father's Marxism. And it's not me saying this, it's somebody from The American Thinker, the Nigerian woman writing last week, referring to Obama as an average African colonel [sic]. You have to wonder if Obama is just trying to lay a foundation for not being a hypocrite when he tries to serve beyond 2016.


LIMBAUGH: And I'll tell you, folks, this business about serving beyond 2016: You know, the thing that -- when you look at Obama's followers, and we've discussed it here, they are a cult-like bunch. And their attachment to him is not political, it's not ideological, it's not issue-wise -- it is cultish. It includes a wide percentage of minorities, by the way, who -- for different reasons -- who will come to think that he simply cannot be replaced.

Let all these -- let him succeed with amnesty for example, and all the illegal aliens who are instantly made citizens. He'll be too important. Just like right now he's too big to fail as far as the drive-bys are concerned, he's too important to be replaced. No one else can lead the nation, they will say. And they won't care a whit about the legalities that might be trampled. Half of them wouldn't care about the legalities anyway. They don't even know about them because they haven't been properly educated.

Ladies' man

LIMBAUGH: By the way, the Associated Press just breathlessly reported that Mark Sanford has admitted to more than one liaison with the girl from Ipanema. I know Ipanema Beach is in Brazil; it just fits. The Argentinean babe -- and I'll guarantee you that news chicks across this country are now swooning -- this is just fascinating.