Hour 3: Limbaugh: “Liberal Infobabes” “Already In Heat” Reporting On Sanford Affair

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by “infobabes” “in heat” over Sanford story
By Greg Lewis

Rush got the final hour started with another observation on Honduras. The Honduran Supreme Court, Congress, and military “stopped” an attempted coup, said Rush, because the president was going to “attempt” a coup by trying to stay in office. The Brookings Institute's Kevin Casas-Zamora offers up a different take on the situation: “An illegal referendum has met an illegal military intervention, with the avowed intention of protecting the constitution. ... At the very least, we are witnessing in Honduras the return of the sad role of the military as the ultimate referee in the political conflicts amongst the civilian leadership, a huge step back in the consolidation of democracy.”

Surprising even us, things just went downhill from there. Rush pointed to the in-depth, Pulitzer-worthy coverage of Obama's “stink eye” on Drudge today. Rush explained the cultural significance of the “stink eye” in Hawaii, which is where Obama is from, but according to Rush, he is not a “native-born Hawaiian.” Well, as we've had to point out so many times, this is stupid.

Then Rush played a clip from MSNBC earlier today, in which Andrea Mitchell asked Google CEO Eric Schmidt about his outlook on the economy. Schmidt noted that the stimulus was beginning to bring the economy back around, to which Mitchell agreed, commenting that a centrally planned government is able to push through stimulus projects more easily. “Did you hear that?” asked Rush. “Andrea Mitchell, agreeing with the CEO of Google that dictatorships, not always centrally planned governments, can at least do some things a little more easily than our own legislative debates -- accepting the premise that government creates jobs, that government creates wealth, that government solves economic decline. Damn, if we only had our own dictatorship!” “On MSNBC, they're dreaming of a dictatorship,” exclaimed el Rushbo.

From there, Rush moved on to his “stack of stuff,” which must have been only one article deep today because he got caught up on the first item in the stack. It was a Wall Street Journal column by Roger Altman, a Clinton and Obama “guy,” who, as Rush explained, is also a “whistleblower” like Walpin and the “suppressed” EPA report author. Rush says the takeaway from Altman's column, which says to expect Congress to seriously consider a Value Added Tax, is that the two most meaningless words in the Obama presidency are “Obama said” because everything Obama is doing is a tax increase. Rush also said that someone might want to call Altman's office to see if he's still there or if anyone can find him. Excellent -- in one show, we have Rush claiming that Obama is going to install himself as dictator for life and resurrecting the Clinton-era smear that the Democratic administration will “disappear” its critics. Undoing the Constitution and murder? Wheeeeee!!!

After a commercial break, Rush continued to expound on the way female “liberal” journalists were reacting to the Mark Sanford story: “Do you realize how the liberal women are going to eat this up? The liberal infobabes, oh, they're swooning, folks. I will guarantee you they are having to excuse themselves and run to the bathroom here to control themselves.” He later commented that he was “looking at this from the perspective of liberal women who are already in heat reporting this.” Classy.

Then Rush took a caller who explained how he grew up in a Jewish communist household in Detroit, and how he remembers the power grabs by the unions, and that people his parents knew were being accused of being communists by McCarthy. Rush said that McCarthyism was “correctly accusing” people of communism. Before our collective minds had the opportunity to implode, Rush allowed that some people were wrongly accused. Anyway, the caller explained how he began to see how conservatism made sense, and accused liberals, including Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), of not supporting Israel. Rush went on about this for a few minutes, saying that liberals are liberals first, regardless of what religion they are. Citing poll numbers that found more people identify themselves as conservative than liberal, Rush explained that the “l” in “liberal” is still a scarlet letter, yet Republicans are still losing to fruitcake nobodies in elections.

It might be worth nothing that on both sides of the break, Rush repeated that he was told that Obama was actually born in Toco, Texas. We don't know what in the world he was talking about, but he also said that doesn't know exactly where Obama was born, because there isn't any “independent confirmation” that he was born in Hawaii, but he didn't want “to go there.” So, let's see if we have this straight: Rush is perfectly willing to spend nearly a third of his radio program laying out his lunatic claim that Obama's Marxist tendencies -- passed on through his father's blood -- will impel him to unmake the Constitution so he can install himself as president for life, but he doesn't want to get into the equally lunatic and many-times discredited claims by the Birthers that Obama is not a U.S. citizen by birth? We're pretty confident that there is no hard limit on lunacy on The Rush Limbaugh Show, so it could be that Rush doesn't want to waste time with conspiracies that aren't of his own creation.

After another break and some more rambling about how female journalists have reacted to the Sanford story, and some more ramblings about the John Edwards affair, Rush moved on to animal rights and “environmentalist wackos.” To introduce the story, he played the Andy Williams song, “Born Free,” accompanied by sound effects of animal noises and bombs exploding. Great. Anyway, the story was from the Gateway Pundit, and it claimed that the polar bear population is actually “booming.” Then Rush bounced over to a CNN poll that found that two thirds of people thought the firefighters in the Ricci case were discriminated against. Rush thought the number should have been 90 percent.

Finally, we arrived at the final segment of today's programs, with a brand spanking new topic for Rush to riff on. Rush played audio from Obama's speech today in which he remarked on our military withdrawal from Iraqi cities. Rush said he was offended by what Obama said:

LIMBAUGH: This is a guy who sought their defeat. This is a guy, Barack Obama, who voted against every progress in Iraq vote that came up. This is a guy who was out there impugning the United States military along with everybody else in his party, in both the House and the Senate. And everybody in his audience up there, other than the military people, wanted us to lose in Iraq.

And now he runs -- I told you, I told you, folks, that these people were not going to lose it, that they were going to try to take credit for the victory.


LIMBAUGH: That was you and your party, Mr. President. You are the ones that -- it would've evolved into a civil war had you succeeded in getting our troops out of there.

Rush added that it was Obama and Democrats in the Senate who were the biggest obstacle the U.S. military faced in Iraq. Covering himself a bit, Rush had to add that they weren't a bigger obstacle than the “armed terrorists,” but “they were an obstacle our troops had to overcome.”

That wraps up another edition of the Limbaugh Wire, folks. We hope you'll tune in tomorrow for more fun in the sun. Not sure what to expect? Take a look at our Limbaugh archives. They're increasing at an exponential rate, and we're concerned that they might soon become self-aware, but that's no reason not to at least take a quick peak.

Simon Maloy, Zachary Pleat, and Hannah Kieschnick contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 3

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Did you hear that? Andrea Mitchell, agreeing with the CEO of Google that dictatorships, not always centrally planned governments, can at least do some things a little more easily than our own legislative debates -- accepting the premise that government creates jobs, that government creates wealth, that government solves economic decline.

Damn, if we only had our own dictatorship! Andrea, we're close to it. You're helping us get what you're dreaming of. On MSNBC, they're dreaming of a dictatorship, “I'm dreaming of a dictator,” along with the Google CEO. Gosh, you know, it's amazing how fast these dictators are on a roll 'cause then they get things going. Talk to the people in Venezuela about it. Talk -- this is just mind-boggling to observe.


LIMBAUGH: I don't know about you, but this offends me. This is a guy who sought their defeat. This is a guy, Barack Obama, who voted against every progress in Iraq vote that came up. This is a guy who was out there impugning the United States military along with everybody else in his party, in both the House and the Senate. And everybody in his audience up there, other than the military people, wanted us to lose in Iraq.

And now he runs -- I told you, I told you, folks, that these people were not going to lose it, that they were going to try to take credit for the victory. You didn't hear him talk about George Bush, did you? Not in this sound bite. No, it's Obama.

Well, he praised the troops, and I don't -- first time. Those who've tried to pull Iraq into the abyss of civil war are on the wrong side of history? That was you and your party, Mr. President. You are the ones that -- it would've evolved into a civil war had you succeeded in getting our troops out of there.

America's Truth Rejector

Rush still pushing birther garbage:

LIMBAUGH: Well, good point, Snerdley. Obama is not native Hawaiian, but he did grow up there. Not native, yeah. Slap myself. That's -- now that's a mistake that's just borne of, like, three hours' sleep. I'm -- thanks for the catch. Correct, he's not -- yeah, not native-born Hawaiian.

Ladies' man

LIMBAUGH: All right, if there are any liberal newswomen in this audience, stop what you're doing. I have more Mark Sanford news. This guy is amazing. He's already being heralded by liberal infobabes for being really great at love letter writing, and he's really in love with the babe down in Argentina, and he just ought to go for it. I mean, they're schmaltzy, they're embarrassing, but, man, how romantic. Oh, it's just wonderful.

Remember when I said last week this guy could've been our JFK, still to this day, educated liberal reporters do not understand this. They think that I'm saying that Mark Sanford has some sort of great political reputation, image, charisma that could cause him to win a landslide -- no.

If you have to explain -- well, no, I'm not going to explain it. You people understand it -- the drive-bys do not. But here are the two AP alerts: First, South Carolina governor tells AP that the mistress down in Argentina is his soul mate, but he will try to fall back in love with his wife. AP alert number two: South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford tells AP he crossed lines with women other than the mistress but never had sex with them.

This guy is loyal to the mistress. This guy does not cheat on the mistress. Do you realize how the liberal women are going to eat this up? The liberal infobabes, oh, they're swooning, folks. I will guarantee you they are having to excuse themselves and run to the bathroom here to control themselves.