NY Sun headline: “Could Edwards Become First Woman President?”

A March 8 article in The New York Sun, headlined “Could Edwards Become First Woman President?” reported that former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) was endorsed by Kate Michelman, described in the article as “a veteran of the abortion-rights movement.” The article noted that “Toni Morrison famously dubbed President Clinton America's 'first black president,' ” and added that “the comments of a prominent feminist” -- Michelman -- “are provoking debate about who may lay a similar claim to the title of America's first woman president.”

The article included three quotes from Michelman on Edwards' commitment to women's issues:

  • “I've gotten to know a lot of political leaders over the years that I've been an advocate for women's rights. I know the difference between those who advocate as a political position and those who understand the reality of women's lives.”
  • “As a lawyer, as a senator, as a husband, as a father of two daughters, he understands the reality of women's lives. He understands the centrality of women's lives and experience to the health and well-being of society as a whole. ... He understands that on an extremely personal level.”
  • “He doesn't just understand. You have to begin with understanding. It's an understanding but it is a commitment. ... He understands in a way that is tied to all of his beliefs about lifting everyone up.”

The article did not point to anyone engaged in a “debate” about whether Edwards will be given the title “America's first woman president.” It also asserted that "[c]ompared to Mrs. [Sen. Hillary Rodham] Clinton [D-NY], Mr. Edwards is short an 'X' chromosome, but listening to Ms. Michelman, that is easy to forget."

The CNN weblog Political Ticker linked to the Sun article on March 8 but reproduced only the headline and did not offer any excerpts or a synopsis.

Simliarly, National Review Online's Daily Web Briefing linked to the Sun article and provided the headline, author, and outlet, but did not provide any excerpts or synopsis.

National Journal's Hotline Wake-Up Call linked (subscription required) to the Sun article under its “What's News” section, asserting, “It's International Women's Day. And inquiring minds want to know: 'Could Edwards Become First Woman President?' ”

As Media Matters for America has noted, a conservative smear of Edwards as the “Breck Girl” often surfaced in media coverage of Edwards' 2004 bid for the White House. Indeed, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd referred to Edwards as the “Breck Girl” as recently as her February 14 column. Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter touched off a firestorm recently by referring to Edwards as a “faggot” at the Conservative Political Action Conference.