Salt Lake City Newspaper's Blogger Criticizes Editors for Hiding Politico's Secret

The Deseret News, which backhandedly admitted last week that it sat on a story of a state legislator's nude hot-tub romp with a teen 25 years ago, got another hit today from one of its own bloggers.

Joel Campbell, who blogs at the paper's, took the paper to task for failing to reveal the incident when editors heard about it from Utah House Majority Leader Kevin Garn back in 2002:

Did the Deseret News act ethically in not running the story before the primary election? No, Garn's mistake was of such gravity that it should have been reported. Others will argue that such accusations should not be shared with the public so close to an election. They would say there needs to more time for the truth to rise before an election is swung.

He later added: Garn had confessed to editors. The newspaper had an obligation not just to its readers, but to the electorate at large to tell what reporters and editors knew. In this case, the newspaper failed its test in public trust.