Robertson: Gays and lesbians are “self-absorbed narcissists” responsible for no-fault divorce and abortion

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Pat Robertson, 700 Club host and founder of the Christian Coalition of America, called gays and lesbians “self-absorbed narcissists who are willing to destroy any institution so long as they can have affirmation of their lifestyle.” Robertson attributed the legalization of no-fault divorce and abortion to gays and lesbians, adding, “now they want to destroy marriage.”

From the August 16 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club:

ROBERTSON: I had interviewed a lady who was a sociologist who says “I am a lesbian,” but she described homosexuality in this term, she said, “They are self-absorbed narcissists.” I want you to put that down -- self-absorbed narcissists who are willing to destroy any institution so long as they can have affirmation of their lifestyle. You go back to the various laws that took away the difficulty of getting a divorce, and the people leading the charge were homosexuals, way back in the '70s. So we have no-fault divorce. Who are leading the charge for abortions? So often, you'll find people who are lesbians leading the fight for the destruction of human life. Now they want to destroy marriage.

The first no-fault divorce law in the nationPDF file was signed in California in 1969 by Gov. Ronald Reagan.