Buchanan Kagan Column Draws More Criticisms Today

Syndicated Columnist Pat Buchanan's controversial column from last week that essentially claimed too many Jews would be on the Supreme Court if nominee Elena Kagan joined the group received two more criticisms today.

First, CBS News blogger Charles Cooper took Buchanan to task, stating: “At this stage of his life, Buchanan reminds me of the proverbial cranky uncle. Every family's got one. You expect the guy to get worked up over small stuff; but he eventually calms down. Not so, though, with Buchanan, where any change to the culture, post-'Leave It to Beaver,' has been a very big deal. And when it comes to the Jews, the man's pursued by a dybbuk. He says he's not an anti-Semite, so I'll take him at his word. But the controversy keeps making Lazarus-like revivals because well, Buchanan keeps saying obnoxious things."

Then, local news veteran Gabe Pressman of WNBC-TV in New York weighed in with a harsher rebuke, blogging: “Over the years, the vituperative Buchanan has demonstrated again and again that he can't stand Jewish people. In a recent column, he pointed out that, of the last seven justices nominated by Democrats, one was black, one Puerto Rican. The other five were Jews."

The best response, however, might be from Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Ann Telnaes of The Washington Post, who drew an animated cartoon that shows how Kagan's addition to the court would help its lack of women members, something Buchanan apparently ignored.