New York Times' Douthat Blasts 'Green Zone' Film as 'Political Fiction.' Why He's Wrong

The conservative Times' Op-Ed writer claims the new Matt Damon flick, which focuses on the first disastrous year of the Iraq War, gets it wrong and lends another false Hollywood view of conflict.

He writes:

Hollywood's inability to handle political complexity plays only a small part in our ongoing polarization.

But it is a part of it. Our nation might be less divided, and our debates less poisonous, if more artists were capable of showing us the ironies, ambiguities and tragedies inherent in our politics - rather than comforting us with portraits of a world divided cleanly into good and evil.

Sorry Ross, I don't see it. I have not screened the film, but some clear facts are obvious: the war was lied into and is now a dangerous, unresolved mess.