So much for MSNBC being the liberal Fox News

The constant claim from right-wing media commentators that MSNBC is just like Fox News, only liberal, has never made any sense. MSNBC is supposedly a liberal Fox News because it employs a handful of hosts who identify with liberal, or Democratic politics? But how does that compare to Fox News, which only employs hosts who identify w/ conservative, GOP politics.

Of course, MSNBC does straight news during the day, whereas Fox News hasn't done straight news in several years. Most importantly, MSNBC doesn't just make stuff up. Fox News does. All. The. Time.

But for anyone who needed additional proof that MSNBC is not the liberal Fox News (i.e. MSNBC is not an appendix to a political party), last night's coverage of Obama's primetime oil spill address was a perfect example. As has been noted, MSNBC's talking heads, including Keith Olbermann, did not give the speech high marks.

Some highlights:

[Chris] Matthews compared Obama to Carter.

Olbermann: “Nothing specific at all was said.”

Matthews: “No direction.”

Howard Fineman: “He wasn't specific enough.”

Olbermann: “I don't think he aimed low, I don't think he aimed at all. It's startling.”

Tough stuff.

Now, can you imagine the Fox News crew of paid pundits (Brit Hume, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc.) covering a primetime speech by a Republican president and, just moments after its conclusion, thoroughly trashing the effort as being ineffectual and uninspired?

Of course not, because that would never happen. (People would lose their jobs.) Why? Because Fox News is the Opposition Party. It's entirely vested in the success of one political party, which is why it can't afford to practice actual journalism. i.e. Because the truth might occasionally seep out.

So next time a conservative insists MSNBC is the liberal Fox News, ask them to point you to the time when Fox News pundits trashed a GOP president in primetime.