MATTHEWS: Kevin, let's go. Let's talk turkey here, right? Let's talk ethnic and gender politics. There's three groups of people, I'm sure there are tons of them, but I can think of three that are having a problem, who are Democrats, supporting Barack Obama. There are women voters who feel that Hillary Clinton was the best bet for a woman president in -- ever and that she didn't get the shot she should've gotten.
MADDEN: Right.
MATTHEWS: There are people who are very pro-Israeli, Jewish voters, right-wing Christian voters, some of them, who feel that Barack Obama is not their guy on the Middle East, right?
MADDEN: Right.
MATTHEWS: There are also a lot of rich Clinton supporters who built careers investing in the Clintons --
MADDEN: Well, you are --
MATTHEWS: -- who aren't too thrilled about having the wrong guy become the -- the next Democratic president. Aren't you guys out there trying to get all three of those groups?
MADDEN: Absolutely.
MATTHEWS: Aren't you working on those groups?
MADDEN: And -- and -- and --
MATTHEWS: Absolutely.
MADDEN: Lunch -- lunch-pail Democrats. I mean, that's essentially that -- where -- your representative of the big middle. And you see McCain, whether he's talking about health care or whether he's talking about the environment or he's talking -- he's talking about what he really likes about Hillary Clinton --
MADDEN: -- how he's worked well with her -- he's trying to hug those voters because he believes that his calculus for victory is right in the middle. It's not playing to the -- to the left.
MATTHEWS: But that thing today about the Holocaust, the second Holocaust. I think -- and saying that --
MADDEN: That's a big risk for him.
MATTHEWS: Barack Obama is willing to lose an elec -- a war so he can win an election. That's pretty raw stuff.