Quick Fact: Scarborough baselessly claims criminal terror trials “extraordinarily unpopular in New York”

On the November 19 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough baselessly claimed that Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to hold criminal trials for Guantánamo Bay detainees in New York's Southern District “is extraordinarily unpopular in New York.”

From the November 19 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe:

SCARBOROUGH: Well, let me ask you this, Mr. Mayor, because I love when you're on playing devil's advocate even when I agree with you and push you. I can't do that here because I really have -- the decision is unfathomable to me, so let me turn it this way. You have to admit: This is not in Barack Obama's political best interest. This is extraordinarily unpopular in New York. It's extraordinarily unpopular across the United States. So, you've got to give him credit for that. He's making a tough decision, but why? What do you think this is about? [MSNBC's Morning Joe, 11/19/09]

Fact: Poll shows plurality of New Yorkers support NYC trials

A November 17 Marist University poll found that “45% of residents think it's a good idea to have the trial in New York City while 41% believe it's a bad one. 14% just aren't sure.” [Marist Poll, 11/17/09]