Savage: Israel must ensure “nothing is left living in Southern Lebanon” and must “free[ ] itself of the men ... act[ing] like Holocaust Jews hiding in the sewer”

On the July 28 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage predicted Israel is “going to lose in Lebanon” unless it wins a “devastating, catastrophic, overwhelming victory” in which “nothing is left living in southern Lebanon, south of the Litani River.” Later in the program, Savage chastised the Israeli government for displaying a “Holocaust mentality” by shying away from his proposed course for victory, adding that Israel cannot continue to “live” unless it “frees itself of the men who are acting as though they are still hiding in the sewers of Warsaw” and “act[ing] like Holocaust Jews hiding in the sewer.”

From the July 28 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: They're [Israel] going to lose, it's as simple as that. The same way we're losing in Iraq, they're going to lose in Lebanon, in the big picture now. I don't mean in the short term. In the long term, the only thing that can make a difference is a devastating, catastrophic, overwhelming victory for the Israelis, where nothing is left living in southern Lebanon, south of the Litani River.


SAVAGE: I have nothing more to say on the issue. Either Israel wants to live, and Israel frees itself of the Holocaust mentality -- and Israel frees itself of the men who are acting as though they are still hiding in the sewers of Warsaw instead of walking in the clear light of Tel Aviv. And if they want to act like Holocaust Jews hiding in the sewer, I cannot change the psyche of the leadership of Israel. I can't do it. If they want to act like sabras who were born in the Mediterranean and belong there and are willing to fight for it and use all the power they have and crush the bastards and get it over with, right to the Litani River, well so be it. But they're not willing to do that, therefore they're going to lose. So, I have nothing more to say about it. Don't you understand? And therefore, in the long run, the sands of the Middle East will sweep over the Jewish state, and it will disappear, within not your lifetime, perhaps, but eventually the sands will re-conquer what the Israelis built out of the sands -- out of the desert sands. And once again the Arabs will be happy as they go back to their nomadic ways of cutting each other's throat.