Leaked footage shows Michael Flynn on Zoom call telling QAnon influencers: “I love you guys”

QAnon influencer to Flynn: “You have no idea how much you are respected and loved and admired by your digital soldiers”

A QAnon influencer has leaked footage of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn participating in a Zoom call in 2022 with a group of QAnon figures, wishing one of them a happy birthday, saying “I love you guys,” and being told, “You have no idea how much you are respected and loved and admired by your digital soldiers.”

The footage, released on X (formerly Twitter) on January 11 by a QAnon influencer known online as “The Authority,” shows Flynn dropping in on a call with members of a QAnon influencer collective known as We The Media. “The Authority” — a former member of the group who has since turned against both the collective and Flynn — wrote that he released the footage to show that Flynn “knows many members of We The Media.” 

While a QAnon influencer and We The Media member Scott Zimmerman (known online as “Beer at the Parade”) previously mentioned that Flynn joined the Zoom call, no footage appears to have been made public before. According to Zimmerman, Flynn “knew daggone near everybody in the room,” which was proof that “the people that really matter” know We The Media.

During the Zoom call, Flynn wished Zimmerman a happy birthday. In response, the QAnon influencer told Flynn that “you have no idea how much you are respected and loved and admired by your digital soldiers” — a term popularized by Flynn and embraced by QAnon supporters to refer to themselves — and said he had a license plate with the words “we go all,” seemingly referring to the QAnon slogan “where we go one, we go all.” On the call, QAnon influencer “AbsoluteConviction” also thanked Flynn “for your support and everything you’ve done for us.” In turn, Flynn told the participants on the call that “I love you guys” and “even though we … may never physically meet, we have to meet virtually constantly.”

Video file

Citation From a video uploaded to X/Twitter on January 11, 2024

MICHAEL FLYNN (FORMER TRUMP NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER): And I just want to wish you a happy birthday. You know, 60 is the new 20.

SCOTT ZIMMERMAN (QANON INFLUENCER): Alright, Gen. Flynn, if I may close out, you have no idea how much you are respected and loved and admired by your digital soldiers.

FLYNN: I mean, we are going to win because we have — you know, even though we may not — may never physically meet, we have to meet virtually constantly. And we have to bombard. I mean, that’s our — that’s our ammunition, that’s our weapons system, right?

“ABSOLUTECONVICTION” (QANON INFLUENCER): First, Scott, happy 60th birthday to you, man. You’ve been such an inspiration to me. … Mrs. Beer, thank you for supporting this man, who has supported so many digital soldiers along the way. Thank you to all my We The Media friends and Gen. Flynn, thank you for your support and everything you’ve done for us and the fight you carry on for this country. It means more to us than we could ever explain.

FLYNN: I love you guys.

ZIMMERMAN: Gen. Flynn, my license plate reads “we go all.”

Flynn’s appearance on the Zoom call is part of his wider embrace of the QAnon movement, including invoking the QAnon slogan, associating with multiple QAnon figures, and relying on the community for fundraising.