Mediaite trolling in retracted rumors about Elena Kagan

Fewer than 12 hours have passed since the news broke last night that Solicitor General Elena Kagan would be President Obama's pick for the Supreme Court, and already Mediaite has posted a story about the heat Kagan's “personal life” will take, noting: “Though her judicial resume is thick, there are several issues that are most likely to become talking points in the coming weeks and months.” The first “issue” listed? The retracted rumor that Kagan is a lesbian:

Her Personal Life. There have already been published reports about rumors that Kagan is a lesbian, but the most notable report (published by CBS News) has since been retracted. Kagan is a 50 year-old single woman, and would not be the only unmarried Justice to serve on the Supreme Court. In fact, David Souter was never married, but faced much less scrutiny as much of his term was served in a pre-blog era.

Not surprising for a website that has essentially admitted Matt Drudge is its assignment editor.