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Citation From the February 10, 2022, edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom

BILL HEMMER (CO-ANCHOR): Well, Adele sparking serious backlash after that comment. She won the BRIT Awards’ newly created artist of the year award, it merges male and female categories and creates one top gender neutral prize. Well, the critics are lobbing attacks at her for saying she is proud to be a woman. Some people have her back including Maureen Callahan from the New York Post. Nice to see you Maureen, it's been some time. Here's your quote: “Adele is a grown woman singing about her experiences as a woman. Why should she be expected to diffuse or deny what essentially is her super power?” End quote. Not a lot of disagreement. What's going on here?

MAUREEN CALLAHAN (EDITOR, NEW YORK POST): You know, I think we're in a real state of overcorrection as a society at large. But I do think what’s fascinating is we're seeing that you really have to be sort of a bullet-proof brand and institution like an Adele, like a [Dave] Chappell, to even begin to sort of puncture a little air into this sort of liberal orthodoxy. And to open up the conversation, really, and I think that her being termed a TERF, which is an acronym from trans-exclusionary radical feminist is just the height of hyperbole. 

DANA PERINO (CO-ANCHOR): J.K. Rowling is another British woman who has a brand as you mention strong enough to be able to push back, so sometimes that's also what it takes. I also wonder, Adele knew what she -- I think she knew what she was doing. She's a very intelligent person. So she knew that there was going to be backlash but she didn't care, which I admire.