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Citation From the March 18, 2020, edition of Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight

LOU DOBBS (HOST): I want to start, if I may, with these amazing therapeutics, antivirals that are now moving to, I think, public attention that is -- going to probably say this wrong, chloroquine, Kaletra, and remdesivir -- all antivirals that are showing, we're told by researchers, great promise. Your thoughts?

DR. NICOLE SAPHIER (FOX NEWS MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR): That's right. So actually remdesivir has been utilized in the past for other coronaviruses, specifically SARS, and it's already undergoing clinical trials in Nebraska and elsewhere, showing some promise and it's been used for compassionate use throughout the United States since it started showing some positive effects.

Now, there's also word that -- I mean, at this point, when you have a novel coronavirus and you have people that are dying and are severely ill, they're kind of just saying, all right, well, what can we try? So they've been trying HIV medications, malaria medications, things that they used in SARS in the past, and they're getting pretty creative. And the important thing is, it is trial and error, and at this point, when you have people dying, and you have all of these other medications, it's a great idea to see what we can do.

Now unfortunately, until we have robust studies, we're not going to be able to say for sure that these medications work, however, it does seem to be having some positive response for certain patients.

DOBBS: I think President Trump deserves great credit for pushing through with the FDA. And I know the doctors may have a different perspective in some instances, but the reality is that when people are on their deathbeds and being -- I think all bets are appropriate, don't you?

SAPHIER: So, President Trump has actually been a firm supporter of compassionate use for trial medications since he took office almost four years ago, and it caused some controversy from some people and he got a lot of criticism for it.

But now, people are seeing why we do this because when you have people dying, and you potentially have a medication that may work, but you just haven't done it, the big study hasn't finished yet. Yes, for these people, you do want to try, you do want to see. I mean, you know that there can be some ramifications. Of course, you know, there are some caveats when it comes to using non-FDA. approved medications, but the bottom line is we're trying to save lives.