Is NewsBusters even trying anymore?

I'm actually at a loss for an appropriate pejorative for this one, so I'll just reproduce it below:

NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Thursday's Today show, delivered a snarky piece about Sarah Palin “making millions on books” and “highly paid speeches”going [sic] as far to portray the former Republican Alaskan governor as a diva who demands a Lear jet and “bendable straws” for her water bottles at appearances.

However Mitchell was singing a different tune back in 2001 when a former Democratic officeholder, in this case Bill Clinton, cashed in, as she hailed on the August 7, 2001 NBC Nightly News: “The self-declared 'Comeback Kid,' a hero to his new office neighbors in Harlem, now breaking a world record, signing the biggest non-fiction book deal in history, bigger than the Pope's. Bigger than Hillary Clinton's. Sources say as much as $12 million.”

You all remember when Bill Clinton quit the presidency half-way through his first term to make money writing a book and yakking on cable news, right?