Olbermann named Dobbs “Worst Person” for saying ADL is “a joke”

On MSNBC's Countdown, Keith Olbermann named CNN host Lou Dobbs the “winner” of his “Worst Person in the World” segment for calling the Anti-Defamation League a “joke,” as Media Matters for America documented.

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On the February 7 edition of MSNBC's Countdown, host Keith Olbermann named CNN host Lou Dobbs the “winner” of his nightly “Worst Person in the World” segment for calling the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) a “joke,” as Media Matters for America documented. Olbermann stated: "[N]ow he's [Dobbs] going after the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, still a bastion against anti-Semitism and for civil rights. In an exchange with a guest, Dobbs says, 'The ADL is' -- the guest says, 'They're a very well-respected voice.' Dobbs says, 'Not by me.' The guest says, 'The Anti-Defamation League?' Dobbs says, 'They are a joke.' " Olbermann concluded: “Well, Lou, here's your big chance. You can start your presidential campaign now and get yourself nominated by your own brand-new party, the Pro-Defamation League.”

From the February 7 edition of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann:

OLBERMANN: But our winner: Lou Dobbs, not content with his perfectly symmetrical hypocrisy, xenophobic anti-immigration rhetoric during the week, supporting the show-horse industry, which could not survive without illegal immigrants, during the weekend. No, no, now he's going after the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, still a bastion against anti-Semitism and for civil rights. In an exchange with a guest, Dobbs says, “The ADL is” -- the guest says, “They're a very well-respected voice.” Dobbs says, “Not by me.” The guest says, “The Anti-Defamation League?” Dobbs says, “They are a joke.” Well, Lou, here's your big chance. You can start your presidential campaign now and get yourself nominated by your own brand-new party, the Pro-Defamation League. Lou Dobbs, today's “Worst Person in the World.”