Dobbs defends Beck over statement that Obama “has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture”

From the September 8th edition of United Stations Radio Networks' Lou Dobbs Show:

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Color of Change's campaign calling on advertisers to stop sponsoring Glenn Beck's Fox News Channel program followed Beck's statement that Obama is a “racist” and “has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”

DOBBS: They didn't mention any of the good things like going after -- going after Glenn Beck. See, it was Van Jones' group that got the bright idea to go after his sponsors because Glenn Beck said some things that he didn't like. Isn't that impressive? And I didn't hear -- I didn't hear Howard Dean get excited about that, trampling all over the First Amendment trying to coerce sponsors of Glenn Beck just because he had the guts to say what he meant. You know, there's a shortage of that. That ought to be encouraged. You know, Authur Laffer is a guy who said we should be taxing what we don't want in this society and subsidizing that which we do. And there's Van Jones saying, “Well, you know, you said something I don't like, so what are we gonna do? We'll just attack your sponsors.” That didn't work out so shiny for him, did it? So, by the way, I gotta say hats off to Glenn Beck for having the guts to stand up to this -- this morass of mediocrity and pure, pure ideology.


Beck: Obama has “exposed himself as a guy” with “a deep seated hatred for white people”

Beck “stand[s] by” Fox & Friends remarks that “I think the president is a racist”