Brent Bozell flushes the New York Post down the memory hole

It's been amusing to watch conservatives rush to the side of Republican Carl Paladino, who's running for governor in New York and who famously wrestled (verbally) with the New York Post's state editor. (Paladino threatened to “take out” the journalist.) What's so amusing is watching right-wing defenders stand up for Paladino while conveniently forgetting to mention that his battle was with, y'know, the right-wing New York Post.

Conservatives are so committed to their script about how the evil liberal media is out to sabotage GOP candidates that they don't even bother to adjust the narrative when it was Rupert Murdoch's GOP-loving New York Post as the center of the controvery.

Check out Brent Bozell on Hannity last night:

See, “the media” wasn't being fair to Paladino. (Bozell made no mention of Murdoch's Post.)

But this is what Bozell's comments would have sounded like if he'd been honest with Fox News viewers [emphasis added]:

BOZELL: Let's understand what the context of this is. Carl Paladino blew up at a New York Post reporter because Paladino believes these New York Post reporters have been stalking his 10-year-old daughter trying to get dirt on him.

So, Sean, let me ask you a question, if it was the New York Post stalking your 10-year-old daughter, how would you react?

HANNITY: Absolutely, no question.

BOZELL: I'd go postal on a New York Post reporter. So Matt Lauer, rather than lecturing Paladino on how he should behave, maybe there ought to be a discussion on how the New York Post should behave in covering candidates.