Fox News’ Katie Pavlich praises Donald Trump for treating immigrants like they are criminals instead of “having dignity”
Pavlich: “Donald Trump goes to the border, talks about criminals. He doesn't talk about illegal immigrants having dignity.”
From the February 29, 2024, edition of Fox News' The Five
KATIE PAVLICH (CO-HOST): We should be talking about the fact that Joe Biden invited this problem. He literally stood up on the debate stage and said, "All of these people should come here." And they followed his lead and all of these Democratic cities who said that Trump was racist and therefore they weren't going to, you know, comply with I.C.E. detainers like they did under Obama, that creates the problem now with these violent criminals.
Biden gave a speech. I didn't hear him talking about deterring anyone from coming here, all I heard him say is you have to pass this legislation in order to get more border patrol agents to process these people. He wants a bill that would pay for attorneys, which is also just another magnet for people to come here. And he wants this bill to pass because it gives billions of dollars to these leftist NGOs that are part of this illegal immigration industrial complex, which only allows more people to come into the country.
Don't hear him talking about criminals. Donald Trump goes to the border, talks about criminals. He doesn't talk about illegal immigrants having dignity and needing to be part of these NGOs and that they need an asylum process and that they should have court dates and taxpayer-funded lawyers. Trump goes to the border and names a number of people who have been victims of violent crimes. Joe Biden doesn't do that.
And so, when people are making this choice about who they want to be president, President Trump is looking out for Americans and Joe Biden goes to the border and looks out for illegal immigrants.