Jim Hoft read it on the internet, so it has to be true!

Deranged blogger Jim Hoft has carved a comfortable niche for himself in the fevered right-wing blogosphere by marrying his reflexive anti-Obama attitude with aggressive, seemingly deliberate ignorance. To that end, he's managed to craft some wild arguments against the president that, if they weren't so woefully stupid, might actually be considered inventive.

This morning, he attacked President Obama for, of all things, taking communion at an Episcopal church this past weekend. Hoft claimed this was in violation of church rules, citing one of his readers:

Of course, the fact that the whole family received Communion shows complete disregard for the Anglican Church rules.

Reader Gini writes:

I'm an Anglican and am enraged Barack Obama and his family received without being confirmed. This is completely against church rules.

Since when did rules mean anything to this bunch in Washington?

At first glance, this looks pretty ironclad. After all, what better source could Hoft hope for than someone who wrote something on the internet?

Well, unfortunately for Hoft, “Reader Gini's” theological bona fides are not entirely up to snuff. The Episcopal Church's website clearly states: “All baptized Christians--no matter age or denomination--are welcome to 'receive communion.' Episcopalians invite all baptized people to receive, not because we take the Eucharist lightly, but because we take our baptism so seriously.” That's in keeping with Anglican Church discipline: “Those who are baptized communicant members in good standing of other churches are also welcome to receive Holy Communion in the Church of England.”

Hoft was made aware of this by another reader, and subsequently posted an “update” -- not a correction -- which reads:

UPDATE: Ben Johnson added this on the DC church in the comments:

The Obamas did not violate church discipline, because the church in question is so lax about imposing it. The website for St. John Episcopal Church in Lafayette Park states, “St. John's welcomes all to receive Holy Communion with us.” Even at the denominational level, The Episcopal Church and the Anglican communion historically does not require confirmation to receive the Eucharist, welcoming instead “all baptized Christians.”

Obama was reportedly baptized by oogady-boogady Reverend Wright at the Trinity UCC.

You stay classy, Jim.