Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes tells his followers to join Project 2025

Fuentes instructs his audience to infiltrate Trump transition efforts: “We just got to fill up this administration with groypers, which means you need to get in the database for American Moment or Project 2025 or AFPI or the Trump campaign"

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Citation From the June 7, 2024, edition of America First, streamed on Rumble

NICK FUENTES (HOST): The best thing that people can do right now if you're a young person is get involved in one of these things like American Moment or Project 2025 or the Trump campaign. If you’re a young guy, you got to get involved in this stuff and you got to be, you know, if push comes to shove, Trump wins, we got to fill up the White House with groypers.

That's what we got to do. I mean, you know, we'll see what happens. We want him to come our way. If not, we just got to fill up his administration with groypers, which means you need to get in the database for American Moment or Project 2025 or AFPI or the Trump campaign. 

People are always asking me, how could I get involved? Sign up for one of those. Better yet, sign up for all of those. Send an email to all of those: Trump campaign; AFPI, which is America First Policy Institute; American Moment; Heritage; Project 2025. Join any of those. Join all of those. Send an email to all of those and try and get involved because that's the only other way I can see is if we could get everybody hired.

So we're going to try and pressure him in the campaign. If we can't do that, then we'll fill up the White House and we'll do it that way. But I just wish it could be different. And no one disagrees with me. They just disagree. They have to publicly disagree because they're angling, they just want influence. 

Project 2025 is an extreme right-wing presidential transition plan led by the Heritage Foundation. The initiative is backed by an advisory board of more than 100 organizations. It also includes a nearly 900-page policy book, titled Mandate for Leadership, that includes proposals that would threaten reproductive rights, LGBTQ and civil rights, climate change efforts, and immigration. 

Project 2025 also has a heavy focus on staffing the next conservative administration with far-right extremist loyalists at all levels of government. Its website includes an online portal for vetting potential hires in the next GOP administration, which includes loyalty tests to determine candidates’ level of dedication to Trump. The initiative reportedly aims to recruit 20,000 people.