Frequent Tucker Carlson guest: “The best solution is to reconstruct the Black family so that these kids are civilized”
Heather Mac Donald: “So that they learn to defer gratification and control their impulses rather than being completely unrestrained”
Frequent Tucker Carlson guest: "The best solution is to reconstruct the Black family so that these kids are civilized"

From the June 2, 2020, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show
HEATHER MAC DONALD (GUEST): But the reason that they're in those communities is to save Black lives. They're not the best solution to Black on Black crime. The best solution is to reconstruct the Black family so that these kids are civilized, so that they learn to defer gratification and control their impulses rather than being completely unrestrained, uninhibited and quick to resort to violence when they feel disrespected.
So the best solution to this crime in the inner city, which is why the cops are there, is the family. Until the family is reconstructed, the cops are the second-best solution.